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Hero skin disappears and humanity goes down?

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so when i log in i have 4950 humanity i blood bag someone and goes to 5200 or at least it should but it just the typical reset to 0 but i had my hero skin and i thought cool so i run off into the woods and log out when i log back in later my humanity is 4950 and the hero skin is gone also all my debug is back to showing my zombie kills and everything else any idea why this happened and if i go blood bag more people will it just do this again?

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You probably should have stayed logged on a little further.

The hero skin is bugged, when you earn it at 5000, the game switches your player model and for some reason, the debug monitor shows your kills, murders and humanity at reset to 0. It doesn't mean your actual humanity is 0, the debug monitor just shows it wrong. I don't know how quickly you logged off after receiving the hero skin, but maybe it didn't get to save the change.

Next time you play, if you're still at 4950, bandage 3 players (60 humanity) or blood bag one(250) and then when you change skin keep playing for atleast 30 minutes. Any player below 2500 humanity, slowly regenerate humanity if actively playing, but humanity can't regenerate past 2500. However because the debug monitor is bugged, any hero will be able to generate additional 2500, because the debug monitor places us at 0 This means next time you play and you reach 5000, if you play for 60-90minutes without any murders, you'll generate extra 2500 in the debug monitor, which means your actual humanity will now be 7500. Next time you'll hit 10000. As soon as you become a hero, because of the bugged debug monitor, your humanity will increase 2500 per session.

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Thanks Dallas now lets see if i can blood bag someone without getting shot last blood bag was at NW airfield hence why i was eager to leave and get out before i got killed kinda attached to my silenced M4

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Yea you gotta risk your life for that last little humanity, but you also got to defend that nice weapon.

Good luck :)

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