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wtf is dayz chernarus

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One assumes this is a troll post?

I'm getting old.



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no i mean the mission type DAYZ CHERNARUS

noramlly it is dayz but some servers have , Dayz Chernarus? is it different?

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Hello there

Ah, that's a bit clearer.

As to your question, i don't know that one. Why not try it and see? Perhaps it's a private hive version?



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I think they're all private hive servers. I've only joined a couple with that mission type, and they were private, so I assume that the rest are as well.

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ive joined and have a new character, not sure whats different tbh............

if anyone finds out be sure to say

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Hello there

Excellent, we've both learnt something new today.



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ive joined and have a new character, not sure whats different tbh............

if anyone finds out be sure to say

You have just joined a private server, (private hive) all you do on that server stays on that server and wont effect your Public character

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Ive joined a private hive and I spawned with painkillers hatchet watch flashlight and 3 bandages never knew private hives could change what you spawn with

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yeah i knw, thought it would be some cool version of dayz with more weapons and vehicles and fun times to be had for all.....

but no.

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Hello there

Private hive often do have different starting equipment to that of the standard dayz loadout, Don't worry though it stays on that hive and won't transfer over.



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With all the maps out (two good ones and two that I hate with a burning passion, looking at you Takistan) servers are going to put the map name in the title far more often.

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Hello there

Private hive often do have different starting equipment to that of the standard dayz loadout, Don't worry though it stays on that hive and won't transfer over.



i hope the medication is working out for you

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Hello there

One assumes this is a troll post?

I'm getting old.



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If you want more weapons and vehicles try lingor its aweesome. Try searching for the server ODM it always has an admin on and it is great. They even do special events sometimes

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