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Im an a**hole

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Hi all,

Im looking for an elitist bunch of dicks to kill bambi's, Unarmed civilians and children with. Im 23, spent 5 years in the army (airborne infantry) and now I play games all day. Im very active (8+ hours a day easily). I know the general mechanics and abilities in the game. Ive been playing for a week now and finding it pretty boring unless I find people to play with. If your a clan that has members that are never on don't bother me. Im looking for a hardcore group of gamers. Hit me up if you need more firepower.

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Have fun getting stabbed in the back.

As soon as I linked "killing bambis" and "now im bored alone", I had some dark ideas going through my mind thinking about all the times I was shot at for no reason...

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Can't tell if angry tear-jerker or clueless bandit, either way you are not finding a "hardcore" group, at least not on this forum.

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