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steve t

DayZ...An unexpected pleasure

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It has been a while since my last post, but I will admit that I have had nothing special to report.

Over the last few weeks I have been up to the usual. Looting spawn spots, gearing up to the hilt...only to be killed and having to do it over again. I am still having immense fun, playing this game and I have developed my game play to enable me to survive for longer periods as I have learnt to take things a little "easier", in game.

I tend to play alone, for the most part, where my usual gaming style is to loot, search for downed choppers and camp hunting. I have a few scattered tents where I stock some of the basic supplies too, like drinks, food, maps etc. If I see a new spawn I am always happy to share my tent location. I tell them to take what they need and ask that they restock when they pass that way....although this seldom happens.

The other morning I was on a server. This server I frequent is usually full of players and I was surprised to find only three or four players that morning. One of the survivors types to me and ask whether I am friendly. I type back, saying that I am.....I have been playing DayZ for a couple of months now and have yet to kill another player.

A while later the two of us hook up in a teamspeak room and I can hear that he is from the UK. We chat for a bit and he tells me he has a friend who is on line and as it happens his friend is a new spawn who was reasonably close to my location. This was his friends 1st DayZ session....so after I located him, got him some essentials, like bandages and drinks we settled close to my tent, along the road.

We were all on Teamspeak at that stage and the Guy who I first chatted with came to collect us in a bus. We went up to the NW airport and raided the loot spawns....(I found a pair of NV Goggles), looted some supermarkets and found a helicopter which needed repairing. We then went collecting parts but I had to log out before we got the heli repaired. He saved my life after zombies got hold of me, at one stage up in the airfield, too.

All in all it was my first time meeting up with other friendly players and it an unexpected pleasure to share some game time with these Guys. I hope to have more similar encounters in the future.

Edited by Flybynight1

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I, too, have yet to make a kill in this game. Perhaps it's because my first encounters with people in this game all went really well. The very first person I found in this game helped me out with a transfusion, gave me a bunch of medical supplies, killed a bandit that was sniping me from a rooftop, and slipped away into the woods. That was pretty impressive. He saw that I was in need (I didn't even have a mic at the time) and helped me out big time. The next few people I encountered were quick to shout "friendly" and we just passed right by each other. I have a delayed reaction now when dealing with other players much to my disadvantage. I allow them too much opportunity to ventilate me before I can even raise my weapon, which has happened on several occasions (all by ghillies).

To fix this I'm going to do some bandit hunting after I find some more ammo. Good to hear that you're helping others just the way I was helped.

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My Dayz experience goes as follows.

>Play as a legit survivor, doing nothing but lone wolfing it through the wilderness, looking for loot and cooked meat

>Get bored of lone wolf, join a group of players

>gradually become bored of normal survival. Gradually become a bandit

>get bored of normal banditry and fall to 12.7mm snipe timez

>get bored of sniping n00bz at coast

>start countersniping coastal snipers and begin caring more about player interaction than pk'ing

>go insane and start sharing my high-val resources and vehicles with newspawns

I have no fucking idea what i'm going to do after I get bored of my current way of playing.

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My Dayz experience goes as follows.

>Play as a legit survivor, doing nothing but lone wolfing it through the wilderness, looking for loot and cooked meat

>begin caring more about player interaction than pk'ing

>start sharing my high-val resources and vehicles

Fixed to match my experience.

Longest survived lone wolf, 27 days, 1,189 zeds, 0 murders, 0 bandits, (3 very careful noob assists).

When I came out of hiding, I decided to do it on a side chat server in hopes that there might be legit friendlies.

With remarkable luck, I teamed up with 4 others, party bus style, and after a hacker death, and hacker redemption, we leveled 2 buildings at the NWA while launching a massive assault on the waves of zeds pouring from the spawn points at NWA.

Now after almost 2 months of playing alone I have a small, loose group of friendlies, on a low ping server with an active hacker banning admin.

I also believe another friendly camp is being built on the same server.

I only shoot to kill bandits, and if attacked by survivor/hero, will shoot to maim (broken legs), and try to run.


Edited by BioHaze

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I have no fucking idea what i'm going to do after I get bored of my current way of playing.

Start up a bar in cherno; trading booze for mountain dews?

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