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Slickback (DayZ)

How do you not play with Hacks?

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Before you flame me, which I'm sure you will, hear me out and yes this is another hacking thread.

After having this game for over a month, I have realized that it is so common to be killed by hackers that it is very likely if you go on a server with over 25 people and stay on it for awhile you will be mass killed. With that in mind and me not wanting to stick to servers with low populations I resorted to using hacks. However, I did not use them to kill people instead I used it as a way to "save" my character. If I ever get killed by any type of hack: instant kill, thermal sniper, or any other kind of hack, I will script in the weapons that I had lost. But, I only use this if I am sure I was killed by a hacker. If I have not been then I will gladly start a new.

So my point is, this game is so saturated with hackers I can't understand how anyone could enjoy playing it without hacks.

P.S. didn't proofread

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Because we don't get attached to our gear, when we die, we shrug and start again. It's half the fun.

Besides, at this stage in development, we're lucky the mod is even playable let alone making us want to keep playing it! Many games i've tried in alpha have more game breaking bugs than this one.

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How do I not play with hacks? It's pretty easy really. So for now you just script in things you've lost, I'm sure it's only a matter of time before you get frustrated enough to script in a vehicle.

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My brother is trying to convince me to use a maphack as admin. So if people are teleporting, or killing with godmode etc. I could see in an instant who is doing it and can remove him. I've been playing with this suggestion for a while, but i don't want to get banned and am afraid the game will no longer be interesting/funn.

Have though about putting it in the suggestion box, that only admins could use this kind of feature to ban people before they do damage.

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Because we don't get attached to our gear, when we die, we shrug and start again. It's half the fun.

I completely agree with you that getting the gear is half the fun. Hell for me it's probably a lot more than that. But, when you repeatedly die from instant kill hacks multiple times a day. I can cope with it a lot better by scripting in gear, instead of constantly going through the same routine to get the basic necessities needed to progress through DayZ.

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Agreed with above. You accept it for what it is and start over. I personally don't agree with using hacks, even in this situation.

Using scripts even in your case is a very dangerous road, while atm you may use it to replace weapons lost. At some point you will probably get the urge to script in something a little extra, maybe NVG, or some mroe ammo, or a vechicle. Or maybe you will decide to nuke that hacker that just killed you. You may or may not choose to do taht but always remember that Battleye doesn't look at your intentions, only your actions.

Edited by GenTroy

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Like fraggle said..Its prett easy not hack. I like the concept of the game as is sits.

Its amazing that legit gamers have to defend now why not to hack.

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I've taken to not playing this game anymore. That's my personal response to the amount of hacking occurring in this game. Personally, I do not find it fun having to spend an hour or two equipping your char just to wander off and be slain by a hacker. Folks who consider this type of "gameplay enjoyable must be masochists.

On top of the hacking, there is the camping of noob zones by well equipped players who just sit in the "newbie towns (i.e. Cherno and Electro)" and pick off unarmed noobs like lambs going to slaughter. They (the DayZ developer(s)) made a big mistake by removing the starting weapon from game. Every starting player should start with an Enfield (or some other common rifle of the time) and a small amount of ammo for it. Period.

The entire premise of this "mod"/game is that we, the player character, have survived thus far through the "Zombie Apocalypse" so why, on Earth, WOULDN'T WE BE ARMED TO START THE GAME?

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Using scripts even in your case is a very dangerous road, while atm you may use it to replace weapons lost. At some point you will probably get the urge to script in something a little extra, maybe NVG, or some mroe ammo, or a vechicle. Or maybe you will decide to nuke that hacker that just killed you. You may or may not choose to do taht but always remember that Battleye doesn't look at your intentions, only your actions.

Oh I've done it all except killing players with hacks, but it removes almost all of the fun and purpose of the game entirely. Which is why I tried playing legit many many many times only to be killed by other hackers. I just can't play without hacks knowing that most likely I will be killed unfairly in a few hours.

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Because we don't get attached to our gear, when we die, we shrug and start again. It's half the fun.

Besides, at this stage in development, we're lucky the mod is even playable let alone making us want to keep playing it! Many games i've tried in alpha have more game breaking bugs than this one.

This hit it on the head. You people that hack because somebody else hacks is half the problem.

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I don't know whether it's because you're on US servers and I play mostly EU but you seem to have far more encounters with hackers than I. I've only been killed twice by them and i've been playing for about 2 months!

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People who claim to be insta killed numerous times a day are liars/over exaggerating. I have been playing this game for three months on both low population and High population servers. Myself and my group have had only a hand full of instances when we were teleported or auto killed. Claim we are lucky all you want, but eventually your luck will run out. It happens to you once or twice and you come to the forums and read about it and all of a sudden you start saying it happens everyday (omfg I cant even log onto a server without some hacker teleport/falling everything to there death)

If you keep telling yourself a lie sooner or later you wont know what is true and what isn't.

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You should just go private hive. From what I have read most of them backup their hive every ten minutes, so in case of massive hacker attack they can revert back to a previous backup(don't know if that is true, but I have heard that). Most of them are also more strict on hackers and dupers.

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I've taken to not playing this game anymore. That's my personal response to the amount of hacking occurring in this game. Personally, I do not find it fun having to spend an hour or two equipping your char just to wander off and be slain by a hacker. Folks who consider this type of "gameplay enjoyable must be masochists.

Play on a server with no more than 10 people on it.

On top of the hacking, there is the camping of noob zones by well equipped players who just sit in the "newbie towns (i.e. Cherno and Electro)" and pick off unarmed noobs like lambs going to slaughter.

Play on a server with no more than 10 people on it.

They (the DayZ developer(s)) made a big mistake by removing the starting weapon from game. Every starting player should start with an Enfield (or some other common rifle of the time) and a small amount of ammo for it. Period.

Not a Lee Enfield, but a Makarov would be nice I think. Though I'm kinda used to start with nothing at all.

The entire premise of this "mod"/game is that we, the player character, have survived thus far through the "Zombie Apocalypse" so why, on Earth, WOULDN'T WE BE ARMED TO START THE GAME?

Like I said, I liked the idea of a Makarov even with one clip. If you don't see a zombie until he's very close and running towards you, or if a sniper is camping and killing new players, it could be nice to be able to retaliate and not just run away like a coward.

During the last week I've been playing only on low population servers and haven't met any hackers. I don't like pvp very much anyway, I prefer surviving. I'm currently well geared (M4A3 CCO, DMR and a bunch of tools) so I may switch back to a high population server from time to time.

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I've taken to not playing this game anymore. That's my personal response to the amount of hacking occurring in this game. Personally, I do not find it fun having to spend an hour or two equipping your char just to wander off and be slain by a hacker. Folks who consider this type of "gameplay enjoyable must be masochists.

On top of the hacking, there is the camping of noob zones by well equipped players who just sit in the "newbie towns (i.e. Cherno and Electro)" and pick off unarmed noobs like lambs going to slaughter. They (the DayZ developer(s)) made a big mistake by removing the starting weapon from game. Every starting player should start with an Enfield (or some other common rifle of the time) and a small amount of ammo for it. Period.

The entire premise of this "mod"/game is that we, the player character, have survived thus far through the "Zombie Apocalypse" so why, on Earth, WOULDN'T WE BE ARMED TO START THE GAME?

are you attempting and failing to troll or are you that dumb?

does having a makarov save you from hackers/snipers that are 1.2km away? how about an enfield? no they do not. But THIS is what's going to happen: faggots, specifically CoD like pvp faggots go, try and kill as many other fresh spawns as possible; die, respawn, and repeat. it's p much CoD if you give every fresh spawn a handgun, not to mention an enfield.

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People who claim to be insta killed numerous times a day are liars/over exaggerating.

I promise to you none of this is a lie or exaggerated. Just yesterday I was killed by thermal once, and mass killed 3 times. On different servers!

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I play on a private hive server. It is actually possible to play there when the server is full for longer than 10 minutes without getting killed by a scripter. The admins on it will also rollback the server if everyone on the server gets slayed or teleported into the air. There are also other benefits such as exploits being less common (you might get banned if you dupe or combat log), and since it's a private hive, there's no ghosting or serverhopping.

I understand your point of view, though. The public hive is beyond playable by now in my opinion. Even if you have an alternate account for duping it is a waste of time because it will likely take a longer time to suicide and run to meet each other to do the duping than the time you will survive on a full 40-50 player server without getting killed by a scripter.

Edited by Herr Robert

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Oh I've done it all except killing players with hacks, but it removes almost all of the fun and purpose of the game entirely. Which is why I tried playing legit many many many times only to be killed by other hackers. I just can't play without hacks knowing that most likely I will be killed unfairly in a few hours.

So you've gone from saying you only script in item's you've lost to hacker's to saying you've "done it all". Bore off.

*thread locked.

Edited by Fraggle
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