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Dictator (DayZ)

Vilayer server few questions .

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I'm sorry it may be already discussed in other topics , which are very hard to understand since everyone says something different .

I've got a few questions about this host , and yes I already have got a server from them , and eventho everything seems to work as intended , even debug mode seem to function correctly after some reinstalls - still ..

1) is the amount of vehicles only 30 max ? And what can be done to increase it ?

2) is Ural spawns on any of the vilayer servers ? Or it's a global problem cause it just won't appear .

3) after reading the forums I've got into server logs and found the vehicle spawns , most of them (14) to be exact are bikes the others are kinda hard to find or just do not even spawn .

We spent 2 days on searching so far and found only 3 cars and 2 choppers , seems like they are not spawned at all .

I would love answers from people that host on vilayer as well , but don't mind any help willing people to make an input on this .

Thanks a lot in advance !

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We currently have 3 ViLayer servers. One is on Chernarus, which sounds like what you're talking about.

The ural does spawn, we found ours up near Skalka. However, I blew it up almost 2 weeks ago and it has not come back.

We've found tons of vehicles. 3 UAZ, 2 white 4x4, a couple GAZs, 2 motorcycles, and a bunch of other cars.

However, we never had a heli spawn.

Have you checked all the car spawns shown on DayZdb? If you have checked them and that's all you found, I'd say it sounds like an issue.

ViLayer is releasing a clean up script that will allow you to reset your server so you get fresh vehicle spawns.

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Vilayer user here. My server spawned 4 ATVs, 14 bicycles, 2 skodas, 3 motorcycles, 7 UAZs, and 2 choppers.

I managed to find 1 chopper (crashed it a week ago and it has not respawned), 4 UAZs, a skoda, a motorcycle, and 2 bikes. All were at spawn points shown at dayzdb.

I've been looking everywhere for the other chopper, but haven't found it. I've checked all the spawn points from the wiki. I'd really appreciate it if you'd confirm that the vehicles you've found showed up at the official spawns.

I plan to use the clean up script as soon as it's available. Is there an ETA on that?

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Ok first of all sorry for the late reply , I was in game with few guys searching for cars - got sucked in :-)

First of all yes it's chernarus map and all the latest patches were installed correctly .

After some searching now we found 3 more UAZs and 1 motorcycle , so the spawns seem to be alright actually , granted you look at the 30 vehicle number of course .

Most of the vehicles are just bikes so it's kinda saddening , I'd like to see more cars on that map as most of the spots are just empty .

In any case I'm happy there will be the reset script implemented as been mentioned , but overall i would love to see at least 50-60 vehicles on chernarus .

And about spawns , choppers have spawned on their spawn points , to be exact we had 3 spawns at the start - but some random dude found our chopper and crashed it shortly after I went to sleep :-)

Basically to sum it up , it seems everything works as intended then , but I'll try requesting a bigger number of vehicles on chernarus , since it's just too empty.

What is left tho to understand the respawn rate of the destroyed units .

Thanks everyone again - hopefully ill get a positive answer from the support unless people in here disagree about the numbers .

EDIT : For some reason , the max vehicles i can set is maxed at 30 on all of the maps , I've sent a support ticket to understand why exactly it is so low . If anyone has an answer i would love to hear it - 30 is just too low the map is mostly empty ..

Edited by Dictator

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hey i got a quick question, my vilayer mod for my server is a Chernarus Private. everything you guys have experienced is what im experiencing. ive been to all the vehicle spawns in electro, cherno, and solnichny and no vehicles spawned anywhere. im not here for that, but do you guys have a problem setting the difficulty on the server? cause my drop down box wont show any of the difficulty levels. thanks.

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I've been told on numerous occasions by the boys over at Vilayer that heli's are not on the private hive but they are looking into the problem. Haven't seen one on my server yet :(

I also have mine set at 30 and tbh it doesn't feel like we have that currently.

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I've been told on numerous occasions by the boys over at Vilayer that heli's are not on the private hive but they are looking into the problem. Haven't seen one on my server yet :(

I also have mine set at 30 and tbh it doesn't feel like we have that currently.

This could have something to do with Bliss having chopper spawn bugs. They fixed it now btw, so maybe its a matter of time before Vilayer follows.

As far as i know, they are using Bliss server software :) correct me if im wrong

another thing to remember is, if you set it to 30 vehicles, you will NOT get 30 vehicles at once. All vehicles have x% spawn chance, so if your REALLY unlucky, you can wait a loooooong time for vehicles.

Dunno how the Vilayer guys do it, but if they run the vehicle script at EVERY server restart, you could restart the server 10+ times to get your vehicles.

Edited by Byrgesen
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Well helicopter do spawn for me that's already something , but I'm sure that the core of the little to no spawns is that minimal amount of vehicles you can set , I've literally found almost every spawned car from the logs so far - might be that only skoda didn't yet spawn anywhere .

And yes eventho I do not need to change the difficulty level , I don't have any option on drop down box as well .

Also guys who could set more on lingor server could it be that it's something to do with the amount of slots on server ? Cause maybe that 40 spots I have is too low ?

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If they are in fact using Bliss hive at Vilayer, it will get unstabile when ever you get over 30 users.

Thats a know bug in Bliss atm, but nobody knows why it happens. They are working on it tho :)

Ive lowered my amount of players to 30 and it runs ALOT better now really. you can feel the difference instant.

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I'm currently running a private server to test all the things out , and of course mainly that would be the vehicles - so i dont get any overloads with the server it works just fine with 5-6 people on it .

Still , except for the cars which i'm awaiting response from support right now to this matter ( and yes I already received one answer so their support works too :) ) I've got another strange thing going on the server , well at least i haven't seen anything like that anywhere else it seems .

The spawning of stuff inside the houses is strange , I mean most of the spawn appears only when you run into the place and wait few minutes around - when you aproach a new city , it's empty for a few minutes and slowly fills with loot.

Is that like that for all the servers or something outstanding ?

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I'm currently running a private server to test all the things out , and of course mainly that would be the vehicles - so i dont get any overloads with the server it works just fine with 5-6 people on it .

Still , except for the cars which i'm awaiting response from support right now to this matter ( and yes I already received one answer so their support works too :) ) I've got another strange thing going on the server , well at least i haven't seen anything like that anywhere else it seems .

The spawning of stuff inside the houses is strange , I mean most of the spawn appears only when you run into the place and wait few minutes around - when you aproach a new city , it's empty for a few minutes and slowly fills with loot.

Is that like that for all the servers or something outstanding ?

Loot is spawned based on the amount of players. if you want more loot get more players :)

Ive had this happen to, it seems to take the longest right after a restart, but it always spawn eventually.

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Well , dunno if the loot really dependable on amount of players and even if so ; I still think the spawns are strange abit , but this not really a problem .

I'd love to know if the # of vehicles you can set is somehow dependable on the amount of player slots on server .

I do not understand how some people have 60 on lingor while I'm capped at 30 on all of the maps.

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Well , dunno if the loot really dependable on amount of players and even if so ; I still think the spawns are strange abit , but this not really a problem .

I'd love to know if the # of vehicles you can set is somehow dependable on the amount of player slots on server .

I do not understand how some people have 60 on lingor while I'm capped at 30 on all of the maps.

Its a simple edit in the vehicle perl script :)

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While It may be an easy thing to do while you are having an access to the files , it's just becoming a bit more complicated when we are talking about gameservers ;)

I think you have an dedicated server on vilayer ;) so we are talking about different things.

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We had 2 choppers spawn.

One on Cherno hospital

One on Elecktro hospital.

Like 4 UAZs, tons of skodas, tons of bicycles, ATVs and motorcycles. Also had a black SUV spawn.

Have not had any Urals spawn. Also on takistan I love the new vehicles.

Edited by Desync

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While It may be an easy thing to do while you are having an access to the files , it's just becoming a bit more complicated when we are talking about gameservers ;)

I think you have an dedicated server on vilayer ;) so we are talking about different things.

My server is not on vilayer, would never pay for a server for a free game IMO. BUT i am using the exact same software as they do, namely BlissHIVE. (correct me if im wrong here, but they use Bliss right?)

Ive got full acces to every single file in the setup, i also take care of the updates my self.

It gives me full control of everything, and i fricking love it :)

Edited by Byrgesen

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Kinda false way to think that the game is free if you ask me since you still have bought arma 2 which lets you play the dayz mod and many others .

And yes it's a blitz hive , but I've got restrictions on file editing, so there are only that many options .

Besides I do not have a computer to host my own server myself nor my connection can actually handle such a big task ; I've got 50mbit download and only 1.2 mbit upload or just abit more

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Kinda false way to think that the game is free if you ask me since you still have bought arma 2 which lets you play the dayz mod and many others .

And yes it's a blitz hive , but I've got restrictions on file editing, so there are only that many options .

Besides I do not have a computer to host my own server myself nor my connection can actually handle such a big task ; I've got 50mbit download and only 1.2 mbit upload or just abit more

Yeh thats not enough mate.

The game is free, in every way. You just choose to buy arma. you could have used a cracked version and played on the servers for that if you wanted, your choice. But you didnt :)

So pls stop saying its not free, it is free, like 99% of all other mods.

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