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Suggestion for the forum moderators

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This goes to the moderator of the bug report page. START APPROVING PEOPLES BUG REPORTS!

I don't know how many bugs I have reported and the mods don't approve them. I read the rules, I skimmed through other posts to make sure I'm not reposting. How many other bug reports go overlooked? You know we are only trying to help.

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You have a good point, the bug report forum has been overlooked a bit in favour of other places. I think it's because it is less 'noisy' compared to other parts of the forum.

I'll dedicate my next stretch of moderating time solely to approving/disapproving bug reports, we'll see if I can make a dent in it.

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what about the effin server reports?

I'm not writing another novel of what happened again. (it had clear video of everything and whatnot)

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what about the effin server reports?

That's the domain of the Community Support guys, the most overworked of all of us. They'll get to it, but they also have the Server Request Queue to work on, so they are being pulled on from all corners.

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I understand completely that you guys are stretched thin. As such I'ma go pay for my own server and be a dick as well, gonna be months/standalone will come out by the time DE 2366 gets blacklisted (if it doesn't go down completely meanwile) not to mention my own server, and spam kick/shut down server/restart it each time someone steals my helicopter. >:V

ok I'm done.

Guess I'll take matters into my own hands and put a wall of barbed wire on every loot spot and building entrance; oh and leave THEIR PRECIOUS HELICOPTER on the hotel with everything on red.

If the grief of having to get the heli back won't be big enough, Not being able to see jack shit will.

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I have now done a couple of pages in there, will do more later.

But, I have a little reminder for people who post bug reports: Read the sticky, post in the correct format.

For every post I approved, I deleted between 5 and 10 'reports' that read like this:


That my friends, is not a bug report.

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This is your bug report:

"Most often in only a matter of time, bandit and hero skins will randomly revert back to the normal civilian skin. Your backpack will also turn back into a standard patrol pack. Looking at the debug monitor your humanity will have changed to something around 250.

What it looks like: running in 3rd person with bandit skin. Randomly puts you into 1st person."

click enter to go back into 3rd person and your skin is now normal civi clothes with patrol pack and humanity points at 250.

This has happened to multiple people including myself on multiple servers, chernarus and lingor alike."

Please note how you completely ignored the bug report guidelines, you didn't even specify which version you are playing on.

You need to read this sticky: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/2-please-read-before-starting-thread/ before you create another thread ordering us to 'start approving people's bug reports', (in all caps no less).

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