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Hit The Jackpot

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Earlier this morning I went to Balota as a recent spawn with a Czech backpack, AKM, and M1911. While sneaking through the airfield, I found a Ural. In the excitement, I forgot to check if there were items stored in it before hopping in. Everything was running on green, except for one thing. It was out of gas. I suddenly, at that point in time, remembered to check if any items were stored and found the following: Silenced Bizon, AS50, *12 mags for each*, 4 empty Jerries, 12 Cooked Meat, Silenced PDW, Revolver, Etc.

So, I grabbed the AS50, Revolver, and, remembering the gas station not too far from Balota, set off. Once I was close, I saw a survivor with what looked to be an Enfield with 2 Zeds hot on his tail. I hid in the woods and waited for him to leave. I waited patiently for ten minutes while he waltzed around the station, not doing anything in particular except pulling aggros and wasting bullets. Eventually, he just walked out into the middle of the road and just stood there, not doing anything. I saw my chance and downed him with a single shot, pulling no aggro. After collecting my gas, filling the Ural, and driving away, I took the car halfway across Chernarus to an undisclosed location, hid the truck, and emptied some of the gear into my tent after placing the AS50 on a dead zombie and hiding the body, thus ridding myself of the easy key to the gayest possible kills in DayZ history.

Just another day in Chernarus.

Edited by Audiobat7

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