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About KrisdaChilla

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Good ol' Germany- The place of oppor... Ah forget it.
  • Interests
    Animes,reading (mostly Fantasy),Electro and Dubstep,learn to speak and write other languages than german and english.

Profile Fields

  • Bio
    I'm a nice guy,(I hope at least :3) who is trying to communicate with as many people from different countries as possible. Even though my native language isnt english I'm speaking it sometimes more than my native language.
  1. KrisdaChilla

    DayZ survivor class

    Let me introduce you to the worldwide awaited "World of DayZ" It includes 8 all-new classes like : Normal Guy,Normal Guy with a polo shirt,Redneck with a Shotgun,Normal female,Female with a kitchen knife and the famous Guy with no Shirt and akimbo Uzi. I hope you get the message...
  2. KrisdaChilla

    Silenced Makarov and normal Bizon

    I think combining different magazines into another type was considered before, but still its a good Idea.
  3. KrisdaChilla

    DayZ survivor class

    Classes would make DayZ less serious in my opinion. Btw look at me im a Zombie with a cool cap and golden glasses, why did nobody shot me yet?
  4. Praise the Binary God, I guess.
  5. KrisdaChilla

    Hit The Jackpot

    Cool Story Bro.
  6. That should be the plot of the standlalone! You Sir have my beans.
  7. KrisdaChilla

    LAV-25 or AAV AMTRAC

    The Idea itself is good, but how do you want to destroy these vehicles? You would need a M132 launcher. In addition you could just roll around and kill everything in your line of sight. if they add more anti tank weapons in the game it would be worth thinking of.
  8. KrisdaChilla

    Best Heli Loot!

    AS50 w/ 3 mags L85A2 w/ 4mags Ghillie Suit My favourite Heli Crash of all time :)
  9. Being shot while in loading screen is my number 1 reason of death... but in your case it was probably a hacker who was invisible :/
  10. KrisdaChilla

    Bandit needing help to become a hero

    Maybe hide your gear in a tent and kill yourself?
  11. KrisdaChilla

    Herbal healing

    The herbal idea is nice but smoking THC do get rid of the pain is a little bit too much. cigarettes and alcohol is worth thinking too in my opinion.
  12. KrisdaChilla

    DayZ Concept Art

    Awesome work! I would love it, if the infection looks like this in the standalone. The clothing is nice too.
  13. KrisdaChilla

    ak 107 pso, is it a legit weopon?

    It's a hacked weapon and you should get rid of it as soon as possible. :)
  14. KrisdaChilla

    Six Updater doesn't list

    The Update isn't on Six Updater yet. It will release soon though.