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Dayz not working

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i just downloaded dayz this weekend. I have yet to get it to work. I bought arma 2 combined operations on steam and then got dayz commander. When i try to connect to a server with dayz commander the loading bar in the middle of the screen gets to full and then stops. This has happened a few times, and once i let it go for a couple of hours and checked back later and it was still at full, so i am positive i gave it enough time. I have also had no luck connecting to dayz servers through arma 2 co. The one time I think i did get into a server, I wasn't able to select my gender because my mouse got all fucked up and would not respond correctly. Any suggestions?

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i have arma 2 96895 and dayz, i don't think that is the problem

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anyone else have any other ideas?

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i just tried it again and it says "you were kicked off the game batte eye failed to update"

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Try logging into arma2 trough steam first. Exit it and then launch trough Dayzcommander. Worked for me at least.

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Make sure you launch Arma 2, Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead, then launch Arma as Combined Ops through steam first, then try Dayz. If it still doesn't work, re-install Dayz.

If you get the error battleye failed to update, try re-installing batteye in steam.

There are some servers that some people can't connect to, so try joining a server with some people on.

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Im having this problem. I have the correct versions of arma 2 and dayz. battle eye updated. this screen goes on indefinitley on every server i join.


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I recall one of the basic rules was to create a profile and run Arma 2 first before trying DayZ.

However last night a friend had installed it, he didn't reset after installation and updates. I had to get him to update DC again as the downloaded version was obviously not updated to the latest versions. After this he reset his P.C. all was O.k

I have also had the BE issue telling me it was not active or failed to blah blah, I just went and updated it again no issues since.

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