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Will the standalone support 40+ servers?

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I know not much info has been given about the Standalone but I was wondering if Rocket and his team had the intention to make server capacities higher than 40 players? Sure, 40 player servers are complete chaos especially for Elektro, Cherno and NWA but it's still a ton fun! I'd say something like 75 player if server hosters can handle it (If it happens to be P2P).

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Rocket touched on this briefly in the Reddit Q&A a while back.

Q: How many maximum players do you think/plan to have on a server for the standalone version of DayZ, do you think the game would benefit from a higher density of population? (I personally think it would but I'd like to hear your opinion and know what the "netcode" could handle etc

A: It is more design dependent than netcode dependent for the standalone. 100-200 is easily achievable. More would need a larger map.

Edited by smasht_AU
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Yes, he's mentioned a few times that numbers could range anywhere between 50 and 200. It depends on the map and how the game develops.

Edit - Smash ninja'd me :(

Edited by Fraggle
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isnt it possible to have upto 100 already?

i noticed a 80 slot running pretty good some time ago, the amount of people on the current maps is just lame and doesn`t make sense..meeting another person every 2 minutes lol

Gimme the 400 KM2 maps with 150 players!

Edited by Huey

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Its annoying when people are hosting their own servers with some commodore 64, so servers with even 17 players sometimes are sluggish as hell. They should have some way to keep track what kind of servers there are.

And havent found 35+ player server yet that hasnt had annoying lag.. (takes ages to eat can of beans, cant pick up stuff etc)

I have hopes that with standalone comes better servers, faster login and stuff.

Edited by Zeppa

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