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Twixx (DayZ)

Debug screen glitch, help?

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Recently I've experienced very annoying bug. As debug screen is removed in default now, you can re-add it in Game Options menu (3 opinions, Default (Shows only blood/hunger/thirst/noise/vision/etc), None, and DeBug (which shows both debug screen and blood/hunger/thirst/noise/vision etc/).

But when I select the one which shows debug screen, the blood/hunger/thirst/noise/vision etc do not work. They simply stay as green icon and these '' ( ( ( ( '' slashes do not appear near vision and noise, If I switch back to default one where it shows only blood/hunger/thirst/etc, it's all fine. But when I switch to debug, it won't work (DeBug screen itself works, though).

Any advice? Is it fixable?

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That's how it's supposed to work, you have the choice of debug monitor, HUD icons or neither. Debug monitor will be removed entirely eventually.

Debug Monitor is not a "feature" of the mod, it was included mainly for programming purposes.

We had planned to remove the debug monitor completely with this update, but I decided to leave it in to see if it worked okay in retail. It is designed for the development build, not for retail. Hence, it doesn't work. We realized this when we tested, but I wasn't going to delay the entire build by two more days ripping it out.

Edited by smasht_AU

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it's called a DEBUG monitor for a reason. Its purpose is to hep with debugging.

Although I agree not being able to see your blood levels is bad if there's no color blind friendly way of seeing them

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