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What the heck?

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I was trying to join a server. I was almost in, then I looked to the side of the screen as I saw every single person on the server get kicked for battleye script restriction #20. There were probably about 30 people on. I used task manager to stop my game from loading before I got kicked. What happened? Was every single person on the server hacking or what? Was it a good thing I got off?

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No script restriction #20 and #40 are script restrictions that happen rarely and aren't related to hacking as far as I know. I have been kicked for #40 and #20 multiple times, I have no idea what causes that.

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I'd say at least twice i've been kicked for script restrictions, one being #20. I wouldn't even know how to hack this game if I wanted to. I wonder what #20 is, exactly?

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I was riding my bike once and kicked for script restriction #20. Nothing happened afterward, not sure why I was kicked.

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