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Zombies spawn

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Usually, when there are many zombies most of users just "Abort" and get back to make them "dissapear".

I personally HATE THIS.

Would you in real life just abort and get back? Of course not.

My idea to fix is this: The first person who connects in the server after a restart or turning it on makes ALL THE ZOMBIES spawn.

I mean, around 40000 zombies will be spawned in the whole island.

Then, every dead player, 3 new zombies are generated around them:

NOTE: One of them will have a "player" skin, with cap, bag and stuff (weapons maybe)

Every thing you do, every sound, every shot... Zombies maybe hear, maybe see. They will walk, they will be lost in forest waiting for a surviver, etc

This gonna be radical.

Kind Regards.

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40,000 Zombies alive at once running off the server would make it lag and possibly crash.

40,000 Zombies alive at once running off a personal PC would make you lag and possibly crash.

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Then what about spawning by regions?

Or I don't know, after a spawn, it would take 2 hours to go away or someone would need to kill the zombie.

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Then what about spawning by regions?

Or I don't know, after a spawn, it would take 2 hours to go away or someone would need to kill the zombie.

That's an entirely different suggestion. Possibly think more about what you want to suggest, heck it might even be a good start to chart the exact issue you are trying to resolve.

Let's help you out.

Basically you don't like how some people abuse the fact that zombies despawn in the region around a player that connects to the server. Granted this is an issue, but why does the game do this?

The game does this because it's not a lot of fun when you connect a game and you can't move because somehow you just connected and there just so happened to be 10 zombies right next to you. Bam, you died and it wasn't something you could prevent.

Now instead of the mess you suggested in the original post let's find a solution that is both possible, makes sense and is fair to all players.

The simple solution most people will bring up? People that disconnect are not allowed to reconnect for a set amount of time.

Result? There are less people that disconnect to despawn zombies, because waiting 10 minutes really isn't fun.

New issue: People with crappy internet can no longer play the game.

Not optimal, but it's much better than spawning a shitload of zombies for no discernible reason.

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or we just make it so that their body is around a minute or 2 after they alt-F4. This would also solve them leaving during a firefight.

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"Abort" while being eaten/beaten by a zombie = Death, start over.

"Abort" while being engaged by a survivor (unless you are able to evade and reach a certain distance from attacker) = Death, start over.

Pick a better save spot if you don't want to wake up in the midst of 10 z's.

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May I propose a suggestion to your problem. how about the 40 or 50 or whatever zombies you spawn by simply being in cerno linger about 5 to 10 minutes after you logged. People won't be able to use them as player detectors, not as accurately as before anyway, you will still have to wait 10 mins if you want to be sure you don't log in to a character that's being chewed off, if you logged off in the open where any zombie detects you; but you can log back in immediately, so it sorta isn't fair because ppl with bad internet connections will still risk having their faces chewed off, but they won't have to wait for a 10 minute timer, that is totally a turnoff.

They still despawn once player that spawned them is over 200/300 meters out or if it's been over 5~10 minutes since he logged out/lost connection.

you may give me your beans.

Edited by kryvian

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or we just make it so that their body is around a minute or 2 after they alt-F4. This would also solve them leaving during a firefight.

While ideally it is good on paper, we don't know if script kiddies will specifically DDOS people just to kill them later, resulting in a sort of bypass of the general ban route.

Also people who lag bad, or if server shuts down, there's a few problems with that, sadly.

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and how do you want to detect the mentioned states? i dont think that the engine is capable of doing this...

the problem for the 30 secs delay on logout/alt+f4: if you get a disconnect because of your crappy router or your not so good internet provider you get killed, also remember the battleye kick (no response) some ppl encounter. Most of the time these things happen right during an engagement.... for me at least.

You would need to know if it was a technical disconnect or a player forced disconnect to solve this issue, dunno if this can be done....

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