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how many shots with AK to kill?

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According to that it would need 5 shots to kill a survivor, no matter where the hit is.

But I just encountered someone who took at LEAST 5 shots and then gave me ONE headshot with a pistol to kill me.

Also - why does the AK do less damage than an M4A1? At least according to dayzdb...

Are these numbers all correct? 5 shots with AK(74u) should kill? How much more dmg does a headshot do?


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It's fine to immediately assume a hacker, but there's several things that could be the cause of this issue.


-Server lag

-Client lag

-Arma 2 Engine


-Bad luck

-Or you missed a shot or more

Edited by #Sleepy
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Any weapon can one shot kill to the head. Any. You should ideally aim to the head in all close to mid encounters.

The AKM is the strongest of the AK family, which hits harder than the M4 family. The other AK's (like the Ak74u) hit the same as a silenced M4A1.

Always headshot if you think you can take the shot. Headshots are you bestest friend in the PvP world.

Source: http://dayzdb.com/database/weapon-comparison

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AKs should hit harder than an M4/M16 -_- bigger bullet, much higher energy and impulse

Not the AK 74 series...they have approx the same caliber as the Armalite series. I wonder why there is such a huge difference in damage.

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Not the AK 74 series...they have approx the same caliber as the Armalite series. I wonder why there is such a huge difference in damage.

ah you're right, the AK74 shoots that 5.45mm bullet.

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The Arma engine applied to DayZ used to be realistic in terms of bullets to kill a player. Now it's gone more cartoony. I don't really care about how many bullets to kill a zombie but 5+ to kill a player (not to head) from an AK is stupid.

It's not DayZ's fault as the Arma damage tables were changed for some reason (Arma units have body armour), however Rocket said he'd been unaware of the change and said he'd fix it.... like more than a month ago. Wish he'd tell us something - or realise that players like updates or even just some news.


Edited by bogroll

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The Arma engine applied to DayZ used to be realistic in terms of bullets to kill a player. Now it's gone more cartoony. I don't really care about how many bullets to kill a zombie but 5+ to kill a player (not to head) from an AK is stupid.

It's not DayZ's fault as the Arma damage tables were changed for some reason (Arma units have body armour), however Rocket said he'd been unaware of the change and said he'd fix it.... like more than a month ago. Wish he'd tell us something - or realise that players like updates or even just some news.


Did you actually see that players have more blood than the average NPC in DayZ? Normally you would also have less than 5k hitpoints aka blood on you but rocket modified it so you wouldnt have an instadeath when hit ( at least that's what i think he did that for ). Haven't you been wondering why NPCs drop that easily? You can also clearly see it when you hit a player it takes a while until the death animation is triggered. In vanilla you fall instantly.

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