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xav (DayZ)

DayZ is out of control.....

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Was in some factory area along the coastline, i looted a body of a revolver , rev ammo, supplies.. i then go in a room, no one was anywhere near me, i just drop dead.. no sounds, no gun shot, i just dropped dead.. wtf is going on

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You got hacked.....

and before people say " WTF why can't they stop the hackers" Due to the nature of the MOD and Arma its not possible so just be aware you may die like that anytime, may fall from the sky and die, be thunderdomed or even be stalked by an invisible hacker and killed.... ##

What will solve it


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Stopped playing due to this. It will happen every time you play so don't get too attached to your gear. I deleted the game as its not fun anymore

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Stopped playing due to this. It will happen every time you play so don't get too attached to your gear. I deleted the game as its not fun anymore

Seem a-little mad there bro.

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What about private servers? not as much hacker (Sript kiddies) shit goes off there (Haven't had a hacker for a while and that was teleport)

Try low pop servers or join a clan with a passworded one, no need to uninstall because of hacking, you can still enjoy the Mod.

If people give in to hackers, whats the point of having a P.C? Fuck em, they are not spoiling my fun again I gave up on DayZ because of hackers but now with so much choice I play again every day.

Lingor, Takistan, Chernarus and Utes, Hundreds of servers all over the world and Thousands of players can't all be wrong. More maps, more choice, less chance of hackers in one place

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A lot of hackers started to appear in the last few weeks, it happens from time to time. Well, it's the whole point of DayZ - gear yourself up, go in war, die.

Sad thing is that most of the server anti-cheat bots cannot detect newest hacking software therefore they cannot ban those players.

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Stopped playing due to this. It will happen every time you play so don't get too attached to your gear. I deleted the game as its not fun anymore

Your last 7 posts at least (and you've created 2 threads about it) have been one liners saying how you've stopped playing due to hacks... We get it.

Edited by Fraggle
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Your last 7 posts at least (and you've created 2 threads about it) have been one liners saying how you've stopped playing due to hacks... We get it.

You don't get it. My life is one big hack since I played this game. It is my duty to let people know

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The fun part of this game is gearing up, starting over is what its about so just get up, dust off and get back in there.

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You don't get it. My life is one big hack since I played this game. It is my duty to let people know

If you don't like the mod, stop playing it.

These forums exist so people who are playing DayZ can discuss DayZ, not for you to have a place to troll.

Making an account just to say the mod is shit (12 times so far) doesn't help anyone, least of all yourself.

Just stop playing and stop posting.

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If you don't like the mod, stop playing it.

These forums exist so people who are playing DayZ can discuss DayZ, not for you to have a place to troll.

Making an account just to say the mod is shit (12 times so far) doesn't help anyone, least of all yourself.

Just stop playing and stop posting.

Posted by Forum team, shit just got srs

Edited by xav

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If you don't like the mod, stop playing it.

These forums exist so people who are playing DayZ can discuss DayZ, not for you to have a place to troll.

Making an account just to say the mod is shit (12 times so far) doesn't help anyone, least of all yourself.

Just stop playing and stop posting.

We wouldn't be so trolly if you guys were more sympathetic. The more you pretend like it's not a problem the more compelled we feel to talk about it. The other part is how disgusted we feel about ourselves for recommending this game to our friends, who are now rightfully angry at us because they feel like they've wasted forty bucks. I just wish you'd put a disclaimer on the main page explaining the issue. It really breaks my heart to see people like the OP here who are excited today and inevitably angry next week. And then they post their grievance here and you guys respond back with this, "Go fuck off you noob" attitude. The OP (and RogueTroopa) is a POTENTIAL CUSTOMER!. Why not treat them as such, just sayin'.

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We wouldn't be so trolly if you guys were more sympathetic. The more you pretend like it's not a problem the more compelled we feel to talk about it.

No one pretends it is not a problem.

But if every person who at some point in time becomes the victim of a cheater makes a thread about it, we won't have a working forum anymore. And we want to have a working forum because there are things we would like to discuss besides hackers.

A one-line thread that reads like twitter or a diary page does not contribute to anything.

Please post in an existing thread on the issue, there are several open at the moment. Some of them are a bit more thought out than 'I-was-haxxed-this-sux' though, so they might require a bit of reading to participate in.

It really breaks my heart to see people like the OP here who are excited today and inevitably angry next week. And then they post their grievance here and you guys respond back with this, "Go fuck off you noob" attitude. The OP (and RogueTroopa) is a POTENTIAL CUSTOMER!.

Who has a "Go fuck off you noob" attitude? RogueTroopa made an account specifically to write negative things on a forum for a game he says he doesn't play. What does that tell you?

Yeah, probably not a potential costumer.

I think potential costumers would feel more reassured by a decent forum with a good discussion climate than by a bunch of duplicate whine threads. But that's just me.

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Stopped playing due to this. It will happen every time you play so don't get too attached to your gear. I deleted the game as its not fun anymore

It doesnt happen every time you play at all. In all my time playing this mod since its beginning i have come into contact with less than 20 hackers. Less than 5 of which killed me.

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It's funny that people think the forum team and development team do not care/flip dayz players.

They oh so care compared to some too many other MMOs out there. They are actually reading and considering most/all suggestions. Do you know how many threads have been considered even in the other MMOs? under 10 per MMO in most cases.

I understand your pain. I've lost 2 helis, 2 solo repaired helis, over 4 completely geared *radio and all* chars, and some other 10 normally geared chars. Guess what, each time the monotone game feels fresh again, unless you have a tent somewhere. Then that just becomes a chore. I'm not saying I support hacking. Or that it's acceptable, but please, qqing over each and every hack is annoying.

Quit your bitching. Enjoy the game or quit. YOUR QQing WON"T CHANGE ANYTHING AT THIS TIME. IT IS BEYOND the dayz dev's power as long as dayz is a mod of arma 2.

But when you make an alt. account on the forums to bitch. saying each time you quit, then why the fuck are you still here? if you truly quit and uninstalled dayz, why the fuck would you ever want to be here. I suggest you find a more productive way of using your time.

I mean seriously it's fucking sad.

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We wouldn't be so trolly if you guys were more sympathetic. The more you pretend like it's not a problem the more compelled we feel to talk about it. The other part is how disgusted we feel about ourselves for recommending this game to our friends, who are now rightfully angry at us because they feel like they've wasted forty bucks. I just wish you'd put a disclaimer on the main page explaining the issue. It really breaks my heart to see people like the OP here who are excited today and inevitably angry next week. And then they post their grievance here and you guys respond back with this, "Go fuck off you noob" attitude. The OP (and RogueTroopa) is a POTENTIAL CUSTOMER!. Why not treat them as such, just sayin'.

Max has already summed up what I feel, I'd just like to add that my first contribution to this thread was specifically for RogueTroopa as he'd made the same comment on multiple threads within the last hour or two before this and was adding nothing to the OP's thread. He was bordering on spamming/trolling.

Your not one of my potential customers, I'm just a member of the community, the same as you. With that in mind all I want to see is a busy forum discussing ALL aspects of DayZ. Hacking is talked about here more than every other topic and has been discussed openly at length by the devs, so to say it's ignored or not taken seriously is misguided. Most of us (mods) play DayZ daily so suffer the same frustrations as you. If you see a locked thread regarding hacking, read it again before you accuse anyone of censorship. If it's locked, it's usually because the poster has made no attempt to add anything to the debate or offer any suggestions. Making an account purely to say "DayZ is dying cos of HacerZ!" whilst adding nothing else to the forums will only go one way. If we wanted to censor that we would delete the post. Instead we lock it so it is still viewable by anyone wishing to read it. There's more threads open about hacking than anything else and as with any other subject we always suggest you use the search function first so that sensible debate can be focused on these threads rather than being diluted throughout the forum. This makes it easier for everyone to keep up with (including the devs) and stops the forum's becoming an absolute mess.

Much love.

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It was a script kid, these kids aren't hackers. Just go along with the game until something comes along to fix all the things wrong or just wait till the standalone. The things these kids do make me mad sometimes but most of the time I laugh lol so just go along with it.

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Your last 7 posts at least (and you've created 2 threads about it) have been one liners saying how you've stopped playing due to hacks... We get it.

Way to be snide.

Obviously he likes the game, but like many of us.. we can't play it in it's current form. It's just not fun playing a hardcore survival game when your survival is instantly mitigated by a scripter.

He's a question for you Mr. Snide, Why doesn't Battle-Eye/Day-Z Crew instant;y ban people that hack? They show up on the server logs when they teleport or spawn an item. Why is there such a broken disconnect to policing it up?

If a server admin can see them.. why can't Day-Z?

Let me guess, I should blame Battle-eye? It's a poor boss that blames his employees for lack of production when he fails to make them work.

Anyway.. go back to forum sniping.

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When I dropped into this forum about a month ago, the first things I saw were a couple of very un moderator like posts. The first guy was making a half arsed apology which actually came off sounding more like a like a half arsed excuse for replying to a forum member in an inappropriate manner, while the second was stroking his ego and boasting something about his 'Ban Hammer'. At the time I thought it was certainly not the best example to be setting from the guys who are supposed to be looking after the place, but I like the game so I stuck around. Then recently something else happened that made me think the same way, but I'll get to that in a mo. In regards to this thread though, yeah there are a lot of threads about hackers and yes people do get pissed off with them. But it's the number one problem the mod is having and the number one reason why it's losing so many players. So I don't understand why anybody is surprised or that pissed off to see the threads. Considering there's apparently 1.2 million players of the mod, I fail to see how even a hundred threads about hackers can be seen as too many. Despite the fact that this forum is so busy, if a thread doesn't get replied to, it only takes a day before it's already 3 pages back on the list. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but don't moderators have the power to delete, lock and move threads. If so, then why hasn't one of you guys created a hacker 'sticky' thread and moved all of the subsequent hacker complaints there, instead of getting personally and in some cases, for want of a better word, unprofessionally involved in the topic. Surely this is an easy way to keep both the forum and yourselves 'cleaner' than what the current method of dealing with it achieves. If not, then I fear this forum will eventually need some more moderators to moderate the moderators!..which isn't a good thing as "everything is good in moderation' especially you guys. Point in hand, after this post I'll have a count of 8, though I can only find 7, now I can remember making another one, but it seems to have mysteriously vanished. It was in the "Collector's Edition Day Z (thoughts)" thread. When I saw that topic I thought, ffs it's like asking what your having for pudding before you even know what you're getting for dinner, so I made this reply as a double edged joke "A working copy of the game free from bugs, glitches and hackers." Then rather than replying to my post Fraggle, in his wisdom, decided to edit it with this " Most obvious response awarded to ....... YOU! ". Now, for a start, the most obvious response is definitely gonna be a real AS50, though in his 'opinion' I got the award. Regardless, I felt that it was an abuse of his mod powers to edit his little nugget of supposedly witty sarcastic gold into my post, instead of simply making a normal reply. So my answer was something along the lines of "Sweet, if there's a prize for this award I hope it's a working copy of the game free from bugs, glitches and hackers, but I'll gladly accept a real AS50 as there's probably more chance of that." A couple of dayz later when I was reading the thread I noticed that Puff!, the post had gone. No rhyme no reason, just gone .So what happened, gremlins, leprechauns, does the forum have bugs, glitches and hackers too, or are some of you guys falling short of what being a good moderator is all about and over stepping your remit a touch. Perhaps some of you might need to rethink your position, because while this forum is a place to talk about all thing DayZ, that also includes it's downsides and if you don't "like" it, then maybe your in the wrong unpaid 'Job'. Who's got the ban hammer?. :rolleyes:

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No one pretends it is not a problem.

But if every person who at some point in time becomes the victim of a cheater makes a thread about it, we won't have a working forum anymore. And we want to have a working forum because there are things we would like to discuss besides hackers.

A one-line thread that reads like twitter or a diary page does not contribute to anything.

Please post in an existing thread on the issue, there are several open at the moment. Some of them are a bit more thought out than 'I-was-haxxed-this-sux' though, so they might require a bit of reading to participate in.

Who has a "Go fuck off you noob" attitude? RogueTroopa made an account specifically to write negative things on a forum for a game he says he doesn't play. What does that tell you?

Yeah, probably not a potential costumer.

I think potential costumers would feel more reassured by a decent forum with a good discussion climate than by a bunch of duplicate whine threads. But that's just me.

Part of the problem is that hackers are so infested in the game that it is almost unplayable.

WAIT. Before you lose your panties let me explain.

There are several ways to play this game. You can be a gunfighter and stay in cherno/elektro and fight til you die (Like the twitch streamer Lirik), or you can be a survivalist and hide/horde and basically immerse yourself into actually being a survivor.

If you are a gunfighter then scriptors don't really affect your day too much. What's 1 death when you constantly die?


If you are a survivalist (Like me). Losing all your items and being send to the coast is painful. It's one thing to get ambushed by another player or do something foolish and die, but it's another thing to get killed by a scripter that you cannot protect yourself from. If I wanted to play a FPS I would play any of the myriad of games that dominate that market.

If you are a survivalist player this game is broken for you.

Today my home server shut down. Less and less people play from day to day. I think it would be fair to say that besides summer ending, lack of content or new games pulling players away... that the number one reason that the game is declining is scripters.

So... complaining that people are flooding the forums with hacker threads should have lit a major fire under the development team's rear. There SHOULD be a tonne of threads about hackers right now.

It's like having a house that is on fire. Do you stop everything to deal with the fire.... or vacuum the carpet while your home burns?

It doesnt happen every time you play at all. In all my time playing this mod since its beginning i have come into contact with less than 20 hackers. Less than 5 of which killed me.

You are almost right.

It's not everytime... just almost everytime. there is a tiny margin or error in there in which you get a break.

Sadly.. it's very rare. I can't recall how long ago I was killed by an actual non-scripting player. But the hard fact is, scripters are very real and very active. Most days I get an hour or two before I am dropped to my death/instakilled/exploded/left on debug island.. some days it's as soon as I log in.

They don't always kill me.. I ALT+F4 too fast sometimes, but it is constant and unending. Sometimes I can play for 3 or 4 hours before it happens. Sometimes it's as soon as I log in. But make no mistake it is almost EVERYTIME.

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These days I head inland and find there are a lot less hackers there. If you hang out on the south coast you'll definitely run into them allllll the time.

They want instant gratification, so there's no reason to wander around the wilderness when they can play at Cherno or Elektro. And I still run into people up there, just less often, and 9/10 times they're not hacking. On the coast, it seems like 5/10 contacts are cheaters.

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