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Help me make our server more popular

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Hello guys i'm playing in clan [HoT] and we had server UK135 running up to 30/40 people all the time but since people are gone were now running like 5/6 people max.I really want to help my mates keep their server alive. Can you guys give me some tips how can we increase the population on the server. You can come and play on it UK135 it has 2 resets a day no memory problems = fine fps, almost instant log in please come and give it a try. share with your friends everybody is welcome! Peace.

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Are you running an outdated beta patch on the server? That could cause some issues with some people.

Furthermore, lots of people have just moved onto private hives, lingor/takistan, etc. and aren't playing main hive as much (myself included, even though I'm from the states, and generally can't join UK servers to begin with).

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I was on your server today, (HOT) House Of Towels. Everything was running great instant login and didnt have any problems. People have just got sick of hackers, so like "Ipurgepeople" said alot of players are playing on private servers.. But I'd login again even put ye in my notebook.... Cheers

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thank you alot please share with your friends aswell you can allways come clan battle around stary with us :D

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I would but now playing on private hive server so I can lock out the hackers. I will not go back to regular servers till we have the right to ban freely without having to ASK first. I pay for a dedicated box to host the dayz server and cant even ban on my own server without permission and a bunch of babies crying *Boo Hoo* US **** Banned me! ~PRIVATE HIVE~ is my new home and no one can tell me who I can and cannot ban or kick

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I use roughly 180 - 300gb bandwidth each month for my DayZ server and that not as bad as it could be. The bandwidth all depends on how many players are using your server and such.

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The bandwidth for a private server I would imagine would be less than a normal hive, especially if the database and the server are in the same box (as is the case with a server I play on), seeing as how there's no data transfer from the server, across the country/world to the hive. Also provides damn near instant load times. I may simply be misinterpreting the way that works, however, as admittedly I don't know too much about servers and bandwidth and the like.

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