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S1ippery Jim

So I finally get to drive a vehicle on Day 14 in DayZ!!!

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The best part is this bus was just sitting in a field Outside Polana and I didn't even have to repair it :)



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I've been seeing vehicles all over for the past week or so (on US1). 2 days ago, having survived 13 days, i found a tractor in a field just north of Stary Sobor (this was on a FR server now) and i jumped in, it was half full with fuel, and even though 2 parts of it were in the red, it worked!

I proceeded to just drive around a little bit for no real reason, before reversing into a tree at about 5mph by accident and... killing myself?

Was kind of annoyed since it was the longest i had survived yet, thought it was a strange way to die... on the bright side, i was able to sprint back to my corpse from the coast before it disappeared and got back my M4SD, M9SD, NVG's, GPS and all the other gear. Had i lost that, i probably would have cried and not come back to the game for a week!

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