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Rocket launcher

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Is the M136 in the game? I found one with 3 rockets in a camp, but when i try to equip it, my character doesn't change weapons, i tried to fire, only the sound, but no boom or something like that..

What is wrong with it?

(Sorry if i typed something wrong)

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It bugs out with beta patches. Couldn't get it to work either.

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It's a legit weapon AFAIK although extremely rare, pretty unlikely someone would have three rockets for it in a camp, it takes up a backpack slot and it's also known to be fairly buggy.

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We've been farming for gear all day,

Found this weapon twice with 5 rockets,

- I'd say being on the right spot at the right time.. can give you anywhere between 1-3 rockets and the launcher ofc :)

But as dear Smasth writes, Unlikly a legit tent with the amount of dupers/ammo creates in the game :)

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Have one, got three rockets. Still broken in patch...epic sad face

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