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Hackers are our friend

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:/ Posting a video of you taking stuff from a scripter box is very stupid of you. Enjoy the flaming and hating. The only thing I ever take from those is one mountain dew to curse me for just looking at it.

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Are the hacker boxes indestructible as well?

I've only run into one box but it was covered by a heli crash, so I couldn't hit it no matter what for some reason. I could loot it, but it was mostly empty already, the only thing I took was one AKM mag that I wasted trying to blow it up, lol

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-_- you my friend are whats making DayZ a sucky game.

Yup. I remember the time I found my first hacker crate. It was me and my clan on the server...We took all the crazy ass guns we could and scattered in electro (Box was in the power station) and started shooting at eachother. Of course we hid all our bodies after our day of splattering eachother and used sandbags, barbed wire, and tank traps to block the crate as best we could.

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Are the hacker boxes indestructible as well?

I've only run into one box but it was covered by a heli crash, so I couldn't hit it no matter what for some reason. I could loot it, but it was mostly empty already, the only thing I took was one AKM mag that I wasted trying to blow it up, lol

Yup, We crashed out helo into it to test it.

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It's people like you who give script kiddies a good name, in their mind at least -___-

! Take my beans ! Someone who finally knows these people do not deserve the high name of hacker!

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Are the hacker boxes indestructible as well?

I've only run into one box but it was covered by a heli crash, so I couldn't hit it no matter what for some reason. I could loot it, but it was mostly empty already, the only thing I took was one AKM mag that I wasted trying to blow it up, lol

I believe they are. You have to blow it up with a satchel charge, though. I've done it that way a few times.

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I believe they are. You have to blow it up with a satchel charge, though. I've done it that way a few times.

Ah, one of the two things I don't have.

Satchel Charges, and Sandbags. lol.

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Ah, one of the two things I don't have.

Satchel Charges, and Sandbags. lol.

Most of the time Satchel Charges are still in the ammo crates; people don't really take them in most cases.

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according to a few forums they say if it wasnt set with a timer it will be indestructible until the server resets no satchels will blow it up just set it a blaze for seconds then it will go out. love it or hate it use it or dont i would just leave the server before everyone in there has ridiculous weapons

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I won't lie... if I was freshly spawned with some buddies and we ran across one of these, i'd probably have us do what ashnik said, and just go apeshit on each other for shits and giggles for a while.

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Are the hacker boxes indestructible as well?

I've only run into one box but it was covered by a heli crash, so I couldn't hit it no matter what for some reason. I could loot it, but it was mostly empty already, the only thing I took was one AKM mag that I wasted trying to blow it up, lol

Oh god this is funny. That was a medical box you were trying to destroy. Medical crates spawn at heli crashes.

The reason you see him hacking in a medical crate not an ammo crate, is because we can't actually trace them hacking in medical crates for whatever reason, so it's much harder to ban/kick them from our servers.

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Are the hacker boxes indestructible as well?

I've only run into one box but it was covered by a heli crash, so I couldn't hit it no matter what for some reason. I could loot it, but it was mostly empty already, the only thing I took was one AKM mag that I wasted trying to blow it up, lol

Yup i've tried to destroy them with satchel charges (found in the box itself). They seem respawn immediatly.

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Enjoy your global ban when I go snitch this to BattleEye, you fucker. His name is Garrett in-game.

Well, maybe not since it requires the server this happened on... Keep on playing then.

Edited by Sutinen

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Kinda sucks really, the realism and point of the game is wasted on anyone who can't find their own gear. That's the problem with the majority of this generation who want everything now, thing is they forget you have to work for what you want.

My advice is you go and play something else and stop ruining the game for those who like to simulate things, Please don't say you don't either, you would not of had that gear unless you found it the hard way. Everything you do after that point is null and pointless.

Anyone who finds a hacked box should report it to admin, who can then look at logs of who has been there and ban them for cheating (to much time consuming?). I don't understand why DayZ players play DayZ if they only want good gear, go and play something that gives you the choice from the word go.

(on a side note can't admin just block the script/code/item of the item box in the game? or a timed flushing of said items?)

Very dissapointed at this type of gameplay as I'm sure others are.

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On another note, I just looted the body of a player I killed.

Ghillie, Coyote, AS50 TWS, M4 CCO SD, M9 SD, MP5SD, Night Vision, GPS, Rangefinder... the whole 9 yards.

Unfortunately it was a Rocky 3 moment, in that we pretty much killed each other. Fortunately I respawned close to the area, and was able to retrieve all my items... and a few of his. I buried the AS50 on my corpse.

So, here's to you, Penis Breathe, may many fucks be upon you and your hacked gear.


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Enjoy your global ban when I go snitch this to BattleEye, you fucker. His name is Garrett in-game.

Well, maybe not since it requires the server this happened on... Keep on playing then.


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