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New Player, Really Suck, Need Help

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There are some pretty good videos on learning the basics. Some may be eager to help but a basic understanding might make the process easier. Good luck though. ;)

Edited by terrex
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Play the ARMA turorial

Watch Sacriels video's, there are many other publishers but I think his are pretty useful

Edited by RogueNZ

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Hi, you should post in the "new player forum" :) but i recommend watching RHINOCRUNCH on youtube, he is awesome and i have learnt alot from him :)

Edited by zappyspocket

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Dude is got the game like 2 months ago and the same thing happened to me i joined your team speak but u werent there my freind and i are starting a camp in between elektro and cherno.

Edited by Wolverine6709

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