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Minibuses (Marshrutka)

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One thing which is missing, and would be very realistic to have, would be marshrutki.

Marsh-what? I hear you cry. Well, these are route-taxis, and they can be found everywhere in Russia and former CIS.

In recent years they've become more modern, but the classic variant was a scruffy yellow GAZelle-322132.



Officially they took 13 people, but often the driver would cram in as many as possible. They were cold, uncomfortable, and often driven... creatively.

In a place like Chernorus, they'd stll be lots of them, all in varying states of condition.

As far as the game is concerned, they'd be just the thing for moving large groups, but somewhat less unwieldy (or as bullet magnetic) as an autobus.

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I think this would be REALY cool, and there would be like 5-10 in each server, for smaller teams.

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seriously? 5-10 ? more then there are normal cars? that is ridiculous.

I like it. I like a little bit more variation of vehicles but there should not be more then 3 or so pro server marshrutka's that is.

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Well it would all depend on who paid the 'otkat' to the Chernarussian Minster for Transport.....

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