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How do I communicate on the Global Chat modus?

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Hello! I'm a new survivor at this game, and having a great time while I'm online. I have met some people on my way, and zombies at my six. This is a great simulation on how the world would react to an doom-day.

For the moment I spend most of my time at the game finding a group that would take in a newbie, but there is a big problem standing in front of me. I don't have the ability to (global)chat with other people on the server. I would hope that someone knows the solution for this, and maybe come up with an feedback.

Thank you!

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No one uses global chat, unless you are talking about side chat, but most servers don't allow voice on side chat. Anyways, most groups ethier use Skype, Teamspeak 3, or Mumble. The one I am in uses Teamspeak 3.

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depends, not all servers have global chat. most just function over the direct chat function. Direct chat is only for those in a radius of 40 meters around yourself. so if you meet someone, just talk to them using capslock, if you have a microphone that is.

But be careful. Most people are not to be trusted in any way what so ever. Best advise is to play it with real life buddies or people you know from other games etc.

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Okey, thanks for the help! :)

There is still something that I am wondering, what does the chat-fuction: Group Channel do? Help found on a great chat-guide page.

Edited by Wratery

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