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Not all bandits are bad

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Today, I was running along a road with no idea where i was going. I was trying to get to a major city, but I was completely lost. As i was running, a bandit appeared behind me, i thought "Darnit! I dont feel like dieing so quickly after spawning". But this bandit first asked if i was friendly, then after my response of yes, gave me his M24 with 5 mags and told me to wait while he brought his Uaz to come pick me up. He asked me where I wanted to go, so i said Cherno. He drove me all the way there and we got out. I said that I wanted to go to the firestation so we ran all the way there. Inside, I found an M4A3 CCO. We decided to go player hunting for a guy that had killed all his friends, but as we were running along the road, I was sniped by a survivor on top of one of the industrial buildings, thus ending our journey together.

The point of this story is that not all bandits are bad. Share your nice bandit encounters below.

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I was a lying down in one of the Cherno military tents. I Alt-tabbed out to check the forums, and when I alt-tabbed back in, I heard footsteps then saw a bandit. I emptied a Makarov mag into him. Thinking he was dead, I said some apologies, but then I realized he was only unconscious. I epi-penned, bandaged and blood-transfused him, and he explained that he thought I was dead and was looking for some ammo on my corpse. I explained that I didn't have any ammo for my AKM (he also had an AKM) so he gave me a magazine and we went along our merry way.


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This story is sort of backwards:

I am a bandit (Plenty of sniping) and today as I was sniping Elektro, I shot a guy in the firestation several times with my AS50, and so did my friend. He didn't die, and ended up teleporing behind me to kill me with a silenced assault rifle (Later on I found out he had an M203 on it too). When I spawned in I went to Balota, and on my way to the airfield, I saw a green peripherial dot to my side. I started asking out for anyone and eventually found a fresh spawned player in prone. I tried talking to him, but I was sure he was brand new to the game, and he never could respond to me. I told him I'd help him out, and I led him through the comm station, warehouses, and the deer stands. I got him a hatchet, but there were no guns for us sadly :(. We met up with my friend, and ran into Chernogorsk, where I accidentally broke my friends leg, so I brought my fresh spawn friend to the hospital to get him morphine, when someone found my friend and helped him up.We met up again, with the guy who helped my friend. We were talking, and then our fresh spawn friend started running off for no reason, then the three of us (Me, my friend, and his saviour) got sniped. I have no idea what happened to the fresh spawn guy, and I never found out what his name was, but I wish him luck in the craziness of Day Z. Fuck hackers.

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He wasen´t nice, he brain washed you into killing other survivors for his own vendetta.

Even bad guys have to be nice sometimes, how else would they recruit?


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Even bad guys have to be nice sometimes, how else would they recruit?


They work like underground terrorist networks!

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I've provided moments of charity myself. One time, riding my bike west along the coast near balotta, I hear some gunshots. I toss the bike in some bushes, hop off and start creeping. See a guy taking shots at another, the guy receiving shots comes out on top. I sneak up behind him while he loots, and start yelling SUP BUDDY HOWS IT GOING as I pop him in the back with my svd.

Grab my bike, continue riding west. See a fresh spawn running towards balotta, I start circling him, telling him whats up. Turns out he's the guy I just killed. Him being a good sport and all, I reward him with my svd and 6 mags, and send him on his way.

Moral of the story is, even us cold blooded killers like to throw a bone out there every now and then. The way I see it, if you can take it all in stride, you're okay in my book.

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