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SWC-DayZ - new private hive server looking for players

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Still always on the lookout for more players to join in our fun.


I registered on your forum but can not complete the application until you grant access for me on your forum. Can you take a quick look at forum member applications?

Me and a friend are looking to join a hive.

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Apologies for the admin activiation requirement on the forums, but we had to go to that due to spammers getting past our CAPTCHA. I'm going to look into finding a fix for this soon. What name did you register under, I'll make sure your account is activated.

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Some really cool updates lately. I've added in things like nights always being full moon and custom helicopter loot (no more AS50 or L85). Also just coming up with the rules to allow clans / groups to build their own custom buildings to provide them with their own "base" location on the map.

We could really use more friendlies at the moment, as it seems like a lot have ended up going bandit (including myself :P ). Please note we try to discourage fresh spawn / newbie killing, it's not against the rules but if we find out someone is constantly camping new spawn areas intentionally looking to kill unarmed players, we will remove them.

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Bump.. server continues to run great! Last night we had over 30 players on, even when it hit night time thanks to the night always being full moon now! I also just updated to fix the vehicle repairs to work a lot better... come check us out! We could definitely use more friendlies!

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Yeah he closed it down due to lack of players. It's a shame it was a great server to play on.

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