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This is a SIMULATION, not a GAME.

Hardcore Realism?  

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  1. 1. Hardcore Realism?

    • GAME, NO.

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This is meant to be ultra-realistic. You shouldn't get third person because you can't have a camera behind you in real life. I do however think that you should get a wider FOV in first person. There aren't going to be any perks, there aren't going to be any "safe zones," there aren't going to be any "currencies." It's a fucking total collapse of all social order and structuring. When a social collapse happens, you think shit is gonna pull itself together? Yea, eventually. But this is set when the zombies are still roaming and there hasn't been time for a monetary system or safe-zones. Sure, if a group of players set up a no-fire zone around Berezino, good for them, that's fucking amazing actually. But they shouldn't implement a no-fire spawn zone, because imagine you wake up on a beach with nothing, and some psychotic human killer runs up with a hatchet. You don't get spawn protection because in the REAL world, you wouldn't get wake-up protection. You don't get special perks for playing a different way because in the REAL world you would still be able to run the same speed and get hit by bullets exactly the same as everyone else. Jesus people, this is a SIMULATION, not a GAME. You play for hardcore realism or you go get WarZ.

EDIT: Sorry for bad grammar, it's late.

EDIT2: Inb4 YOU DON'T HAS TO PLAY WITH 3rd person!!!11! I know that. I'm saying that this is a simulation and is meant to be a hyper-realistic event. Therefore, 3rd person should be removed as it is not something possible in real life.

Edited by Whiteshadow197
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Some people can run faster then others..

True, but I still think that since we can't go beyond the limitations of it being a simulation that heroes shouldn't get special run fast perks, just to make it fair between everyone.

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What, you dont have a third person view in r/l? Damn thats harsh, I love my 3rd person view, could not live without it. Maybe you should look into whats wrong with you if you have not got it.

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What, you dont have a third person view in r/l? Damn thats harsh, I love my 3rd person view, could not live without it. Maybe you should look into whats wrong with you if you have not got it.

Beans for making me lol.

Edited by Whiteshadow197

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Just go play on servers without 3rd person. Problem solved. No need to thank me.

I already do. I'm saying that this is a HYPER REALISTIC SIMULATION. They should take out anything remotely unrealistic. Besides the Infected, they're sort of the game...

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I'm kind of with you, but it doesn't have to be hyper realistic. With the first person only i would love it if the fov was better, first person feels like i bump into everything too.

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I'm kind of with you, but it doesn't have to be hyper realistic. With the first person only i would love it if the fov was better, first person feels like i bump into everything too.

I said that in the post :I

More FOV if it's first person only.

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Heroes have perks for a reason. Be good and you will be rewarded. Be bad and people will shoot you on sight.

I get that, and yea I suppose it's reasonable... I DO enjoy my hero skin...

But still, equal opportunities and whatnot.

I suppose it really doesn't matter, I just want to kill the whole "we shuld get purks" crowd.

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I luv 3rd person but it would be so so real if the mod made u play like that.

I agree with everything you said, I do think the social side needs work.

A couple safe zones would be great for meeting new people and trading.

All the have to do is when u walk into a zone you can't fire your weapons.

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I luv 3rd person but it would be so so real if the mod made u play like that.

I agree with everything you said, I do think the social side needs work.

A couple safe zones would be great for meeting new people and trading.

All the have to do is when u walk into a zone you can't fire your weapons.

But that's the thing, players can do that, I've seen it happen. This is supposed to be before anybody had time to set up a safe zone though, so it takes out the realism of getting shot no matter where you are for a can of beans.

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I think there should be more food in the game because in remote houses there could be a weeks supply of food and hunting knifes should be useable as a secondary weapon for close combat and an indicator for when. Zombies or people are. Within an earshot of you so you can tell they are behind you and a close combat button for when they are running round you so you can't shoot/kill them when in real life you could knife them hatchet them or pistol shoot them without aiming

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Why is third person a problem if you're already playing on non-third person servers?

You can also make your FOV larger...

Edited by OllieVaughan
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This is meant to be ultra-realistic. You shouldn't get third person because you can't have a camera behind you in real life. I do however think that you should get a wider FOV in first person. There aren't going to be any perks, there aren't going to be any "safe zones," there aren't going to be any "currencies." It's a fucking total collapse of all social order and structuring. When a social collapse happens, you think shit is gonna pull itself together? Yea, eventually. But this is set when the zombies are still roaming and there hasn't been time for a monetary system or safe-zones. Sure, if a group of players set up a no-fire zone around Berezino, good for them, that's fucking amazing actually. But they shouldn't implement a no-fire spawn zone, because imagine you wake up on a beach with nothing, and some psychotic human killer runs up with a hatchet. You don't get spawn protection because in the REAL world, you wouldn't get wake-up protection. You don't get special perks for playing a different way because in the REAL world you would still be able to run the same speed and get hit by bullets exactly the same as everyone else. Jesus people, this is a SIMULATION, not a GAME. You play for hardcore realism or you go get WarZ.

EDIT: Sorry for bad grammar, it's late.

EDIT2: Inb4 YOU DON'T HAS TO PLAY WITH 3rd person!!!11! I know that. I'm saying that this is a simulation and is meant to be a hyper-realistic event. Therefore, 3rd person should be removed as it is not something possible in real life.

Wow, big red danger words, you mean business. You're very, very wrong though. DayZ IS a game & sometimes, I think people should remember that. I use 3rd person for exactly your second point, the FOV is limited. but only by the format of my monitor. I agree with you to a certain extent. This should remain a no compromise game, with no perks for being good little boys & girls etc, no-kill zones etc. The thing is dude, you come across like a, well, a bit of a Nazi! You want the 'Simulation'? Play on expert servers. Me, i'll just take regular for now because, damn it, I just love my 3rd person :) Edited by Cronic
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In real life, I have a haptic connection with my body and can sense where my limbs are, I also have a very wide FOV that's impossible to capture in a 1st person view (without getting a 200 degree wrap around monitor / HMD).

Third person gives me these realistic features! However, the problem is that it violates the reality of line-of-sight, allowing me to see around corners.

This can be easily fixed by having the engine compute a shadow-map from the avatar's head, and not rendering any objects that fail the shadow test. Then if something is visible from the 3rd person camera, but not visible to the player, it won't be drawn.

That's the real fix, and it's easy to code.

Also, for people who suffer from kinetosis (simulation sickness), 1st person games induce nausea, so for them, 3rd person is a great accessibility feature.

Edited by ActionMan
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This thread is a complete fail.

First because the OP writes in this eye-murdering bold red font, and also because obviously this game is not a zombie simulation at all.

Do you really know what a simulation is? Obviously you do not, otherwise you would not say this is a simulation.

It requires a huge set of parameters working together to obtain a seemingly functional simulator, no matter the topic of the simulator. This game is far from even TRYING to be a simulator. A simulator is designed for learning or prediction purposes, not for gaming.

DayZ is a huge bunch of scripts put on top of a modern war game. Basically you can see scripts as rules, and a set of rules makes a game. You have loots spawning at 120 meters, loots regeneration, poor health design, zombies popping in or out from/to nowhere... How in the hell could you even think this is a simulator? This is a fucking game, even the mod maker states this.

Oh, I got it.

You dream this could be a simulator. Then you ask for ultra-realism and "no fire spawn zone"? Man do you even consider how high your failure is?

Sorry pal, this is not a simulator.

And, ffs, I am glad we have 3rd person view. This makes this game much better.

Edited by Thadeum

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Funny how you talk about HYPER REALISM and then talk about "spawns" and ignore everything that makes DayZ a game. There is only so much you can simulate using monitor and speakers and without forcing "players" to stay online 24/7. People would sleep in real life (and be very vulnerable in the process), here they disappear and appear. In real life people have feelings and conscience, here you don't. Even hardcore roleplayers don't "feel" everything you'd have in a situation of global catastrophe like this. If they did, most of them would have severe depression and half would just shoot themselves in the head. In real life, people aren't equally skilled, some run faster, only some know how to use a gun, very few people know how to fly a fucking heli or let alone repair one. Here we are all the same. Once you're badly hurt in real life or you break a leg, you're done. Here? A quick visit to a hospital and you're like new within minutes. In real life in a place like chernarus you'd find 2 handguns in civilian areas not a fuckton. And all the items wouldn't disappear and "respawn".

It will always have a good portion of unrealistic things, things that only happen in video games. You can't perfectly simulate zombie apocalypse 24/7.

Edited by SillySil
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I think there's a difference between a game with realistic features and an actual simulator dayZ for me is definitely comes under a game with realistic features but is very far from being a simulator (lets be honest who wants to spend half there time cooking steaks,sleeping,cleaning weapons, or taking a dump ect ) simply because a simulator tends to be very boring and as close to life as possible.

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