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A new 'status' to encourage cooperation

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In real life if I had all the skills that are needed to survive without, why would I want to be around another person? The answer is that being with other people helps us cope with the world and I'd imagine in such a survival situation (being alone and working to settle basic needs) we'd start to suffer depression and anxiety.

So, to encourage but not force people to work together create a depression/anxiety status that gets worse the longer you are without company. It could be something minor like the screen de-saturate like with blood lose. The solution would be having a friend nearby for a while, then your could go a stretch before the status comes back. Or maybe extremely rare pills or the chicken's why out by respawning.

If you wanted to get fancy you could make a chat channel that you enter and level automatically when you have the status so that you can find others who want to get rid of the effect. It would help you avoid people that aren't really looking for some face time. Personally, this isn't a big deal for me because I always play with a RL friend. But that's the point, people are getting their social needs met while not playing the game, so why would they ever do it in game, unless they wanted to 'fix' their character.

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Actually, that's a pretty good idea. I'd +1 you, but you wouldn't feel it. +1 ing you in my head!

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Tame a dog for companionship boost?

Nice idea, but I think the effects on players sounds too severe and IS effectively forcing players to co-operate to a certain extent. The alternatives to direct contact with other players need to be abundant enough to make solo-play viable, if not easy.

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The actually effect of status on your character is up for variation, but if you want to simulate survival/horror I think that long term isolation (solo play) would have a devistating effect on a person's sanity.

I think that hard to address status would give DayZ a unique and long term issue. If the only status in the game was finding bandages it would be a short pointless game. We add the need for water (continous need) food (longer time frame), blood (long term problem if you get hit), and all the other med stuff.

So the question would be, do you only want DayZ to mimic a Deathmatch with zombie adds, or do you want it to be a survival horror game that looks to mimic RL survival in unique way. Being isolated (solo play) from other people shouldn't be 'easy'.

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Ok, I agree with you on principle (hell this is all theoretical, right?). A long term mental status that needs to be kept in check would add to the horror aspect of the game - id suggest that for it to be more interesting it would have a wider scope than just the player. Don't they say fear is contaigous? Im pretty sure insanity is as well ("Cabin fever - ahhh!") so what if a players mental status effected those around him/her?

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good idea, but it affects a lonewolfs gamestyle alot so maybe adding some antidepressants is the key.

Doesn't really affects me as i play with brother and mates but poor lonewolfs.

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good idea' date=' but it affects a lonewolfs gamestyle alot so [b']maybe adding some antidepressants is the key.

Woah, woah. You actually might be onto something here... could we get some feedback from lonewolf players?

I'm not wanting to make things easier or force playstyles, but adding some psychological tension would be awesome. Something related to being around people, that could be medicated if you want to lonewolf. Thoughts?

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For lonewolves, as they spend less time with other people, they could begin to mutter to themselves periodically, something that they would be unable to control and something that players they encounter would notice. As time progresses, it would gradually get worse and then recede as they get used to being on their own.

As an aside, wouldnt medication be something like a permanent punishment for a chosen playstyle? If there was a natural cycle that people go through when they spend alot of time alone, that they eventually adapt to, wouldnt that be a more true to life way of handing it?

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What? I don't want to have to drop prozac just because I don't want to be around anyone. That is really really silly given the scenario in DayZ.

I have read on wikipedia that psychopaths are often schizophrenic, so maybe people with REALLY low humanity should start hearing things.

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What happens when your depression is cured? Do you need friends soon again? ^^ Some people may take pills, others just may waste people.

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I really hate these ideas that tell me my own mental state. I find being around people more depressing than being on my own most of the time. I don't see why I should be told that my character cant stand being on his own.

Especially if it ends up in ANOTHER screen blurring effect.

Everyone feels cold, everyone bleeds when they get shot, everyone needs to eat and drink but only Some people are weak mentally, I don't think you should add mental illness to everyone it just doesn't work like that.

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I had made a suggest before the forums were wiped that involved the concept of every player having their wallet on them. They would also have a picture of their family or some memento that they could access with their context menu that would help keep them from freaking out. Doesnt have to be something the player actually sees but an action they could take to keep their brains focused.

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How about hallucinations? You start seeing weird stuff in the forest, especially by dusk/night. a lone child standing by a tree, silently watching you. people whispering in the shadows.

Cured by pills (which could have side effects, like drowsiness if taken for long periods) or hanging around other people.

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I wouldn't mind some kind of cool effect from being isolated, or something that is just a token of "You're getting a bit paranoid having no one to watch your back", so long as it didn't actually affect gameplay and was curable by medication. A heavily subdued form of Amnesia style insanity effect might be interesting. Anything that would negatively affect gameplay for lone wolves, including something curable with meds, is still punishing them for their play style; because they now require a fourth consumable on top of food, water, ammo.

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Im a lone wolf and I think the element of being depressed is a good idea. Anything that can help increase cooperation in this mod is worth giving it a shot. But I do highly agree with the notion that gorgenzola1 suggested, being if you have low humanity you start hearing things, like zombies behind you and grass being push aside. Generally giving players who decide to go on killing sprees the full effect of the guilt you would experience in real life. Of course other things like a hightened awareness and constant mild shaking would be cool too.

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"How about hallucinations? You start seeing weird stuff in the forest, especially by dusk/night. a lone child standing by a tree, silently watching you. people whispering in the shadows.

Cured by pills (which could have side effects, like drowsiness if taken for long periods) or hanging around other people."

Please god no. I get scared by stuff in Dayz all the time, sounds, my own shadow , a flipping bush. i don't need the game telling me when i'm scared.

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While I dont really want to be told how to play to be effective in the game, if we are really talking about real life. I think it would be a stretch to say that people would react well to being thrown into a situation like the one presented in Dayz. You are alone, people are dying everywhere, you are starving, you have no contact with other people. There is no safety and even other people usually decrease your safety level. You are cut off from your family and many other things. The game already tells you that your character is panicking after certain encounters. Do you think that should be removed as well?

I really hate these ideas that tell me my own mental state. I find being around people more depressing than being on my own most of the time. I don't see why I should be told that my character cant stand being on his own.

Especially if it ends up in ANOTHER screen blurring effect.

Everyone feels cold' date=' everyone bleeds when they get shot, everyone needs to eat and drink but only Some people are weak mentally, I don't think you should add mental illness to everyone it just doesn't work like that.


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Lonewolves could start seeing other players as zombies which forces them to take even more care if they become the state of paranoia/anxiety, etc.?

If you're a lonewolf u need medics (dunno which ones would fit the best - antidepressiva) or need social interaction (grouping).

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Why would you want to punish lone wolves? Yes, punish -- forcing them to take "medication" for being alone (?) too long sounds pretty bad... lone wolfing is already punished enough. Being with even one more guy is WAY safer and you have twice the firepower and so many more tactical options.

Heartbeat thing is cool, rocket, but I hope you won't go overboard with trying to tell players how they feel and if they're depressed or not...

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Speaking of heartbeats, Infected should have heartattacks. That is how they should deaggro.

Why would you want to punish lone wolves? Yes' date=' punish -- forcing them to take "medication" for being alone (?) too long sounds pretty bad... lone wolfing is already punished enough. Being with even more guy is WAY safer and you have twice the firepower and so many more tactical options.

Heartbeat thing is cool, rocket, but I hope you won't go overboard with trying to tell players how they feel and if they're depressed or not...


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Do not try to simulate mental feeling of a player inside the game. Those feelings are happening inside the player himself, not on the screen.

There is still potential here tho. I myself always play lone wolf. I don't trust anyone because there is nothing to be gained by teaming up with another person. No reason to trust means there isn't trust.

Lets add a reason for people to trust each other: something you gain by teaming up. Information can be a key feature. Sadly the internet will teach players everything about the game outside of the game itself so even tho there currently there is a lot to learn in dayz, you don't have to trust other players to learn this. What is needed is always changing information: crashed helicopter locations, variances in the amount of good loot in specific towns, wells that have dried out, towns that currently hardly have any zombies in them. All useful information for the player, but this info is constantly changing. the only way to learn about it is by meeting other people on the server you play on and talk with them.

If you want to have some automated feature (like your screen turning grey coz of depression) then have this information be shared automatically(over time) between players once they are close. A player can keep a notebook with him or something where the information is automatically stored. But automation is just something optinal to make the process easier, its not necessary. Just like turning your screen grey coz of depression is. If the game is done right a player will get depressed by himself (lol).

Actually there is one type of information that can be automatically shared between players: Who can be trusted and who can't? yes, a global database of everyone's humanity level accessible to the players. Every time a player gets a good look of another player (like he notices the upcoming heartbeat feature, or spends some time together teamed up with a random guy) that player gets added to his personal list. Every time he sees that same player again now, he instantly recognizes him and knows if he can be trusted. You can expand your personal list by teaming up with other players who also have their own lists, and over time the two lists will merge into one.

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This whole idea of adding things for mental states, perceptions, etc. just doesn't sit right with me. Too many variables. None of which I think can be translated correctly in a game mechanic. But hey you do whatever want. I'll try anything (just about anything anyway hehe) once. Maybe I'll change my mind along the way on certain things. /shrug

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"The game already tells you that your character is panicking after certain encounters. Do you think that should be removed as well?"

Yes, I haven't heard it for a while actually , I thought it had gone.

" I think it would be a stretch to say that people would react well to being thrown into a situation like the one presented in Dayz."

Its also a stretch to say everyone will react the same way. The thing I like about Dayz is the reactions it engenders in people, it can be incredibly stressful and nerve wracking. I've found my hands literally shaking after a couple of encounters and thats pretty incredible for a game.

We have a group. Some of us are gung ho , the wade in and are always setting off zombies. Other guys are cautious and careful. And we have a couple of players who shit themselves all the time , hide in bushes and hardly do anything at all lol.

People react in to the emotions the game causes, the fear and anxiety. you don't need to stick an artificial layer on this. And people are naturally social in the game, many payers get bored or lonely and seek out others. Others are naturally loners. I think its much better to let people do what they want within the games mechanics and influenced by the motivations the game provides without arbitrary rules in that govern peoples actions. Every-time you add a new rule you remove a little freedom and emergence.

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The concept sounds rather interesting and it's worth debating for sure. However things such as colors washing out (like when you have low blood) are definitely not a good idea in my opinion, since it would degrade game experience significantly and thus force people to change their gaming style. I for one hate missing those beautiful colors and always try to cure myself quickly should I be in a low blood situation.

The effects of being alone for too long need to be more subtle, just like the heartbeat addition that Rocket has surveyed on for a while. Minor hallucinations have been suggested and something along those lines sound reasonable enough. In addition to subtleness the occurances, whatever they may be, need to be somewhat rare. Rare in the sense that you can actually spend a whole gaming session without noticing any symptoms.

One thing that just crossed my mind is, what if you could receive, in addition to or instead of depression, some kind of a "recluse" status? This would mean that if you have spent a VERY long time in complete loneliness, there would be some visible symptoms when looking directly at or being in the immediate vicinity of another player(s). What I'm talking about is some kind of anxiety. This would naturally cure itself after being in close intraction with somebody for a while.

I'm not sure myself if any of these is a good idea. I mostly play as a lone wolf and would love to experiment with things such as these, since there is always a chance that they actually add to the athmosphere and experience of DayZ significantly. You never know without testing.

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I agree with pretty much everything you said and I too have had encounters that left my heart racing and adrenaline in my system. I am just saying that even people that claim to be lone-wolves in real life still have human contact. You and I are communicating right now. If all of this was cut off from you and you found yourself in the woods, that would probably affect you. I don't like the idea of pills or constant medication but I wouldn't be adverse to my character requiring a period of time to adapt to their situation. I think this would fit into some kind of subtle skill system like being "hardened" or whatever. I also think that having some kind of ambiguous memento from the "real world" could be a convenient way of helping keep panic in check.

"The game already tells you that your character is panicking after certain encounters. Do you think that should be removed as well?"

Yes' date=' I haven't heard it for a while actually , I thought it had gone.

" I think it would be a stretch to say that people would react well to being thrown into a situation like the one presented in Dayz."

Its also a stretch to say everyone will react the same way. The thing I like about Dayz is the reactions it engenders in people, it can be incredibly stressful and nerve wracking. I've found my hands literally shaking after a couple of encounters and thats pretty incredible for a game.

We have a group. Some of us are gung ho , the wade in and are always setting off zombies. Other guys are cautious and careful. And we have a couple of players who shit themselves all the time , hide in bushes and hardly do anything at all lol.

People react in to the emotions the game causes, the fear and anxiety. you don't need to stick an artificial layer on this. And people are naturally social in the game, many payers get bored or lonely and seek out others. Others are naturally loners. I think its much better to let people do what they want within the games mechanics and influenced by the motivations the game provides without arbitrary rules in that govern peoples actions. Every-time you add a new rule you remove a little freedom and emergence.


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