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Toxic/Radioacive waste from reactors leaking because of no maintenance

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I got this idea from watching an episode of Life After People from the History Channel. I know this is probably something that would need to be in a new map since there is no chemical plant or whatever in Cherno (that I know of).

The jist of the idea: Since there are no people left maintaining toxic/biological/nuclear/radioactive waste sites, then reactors might leak/explode and spread toxic/redioactive gas into the atmosphere and also maybe contaminate drinking water.

Lets face it, this idea sounds like it's ripping off STALKER or something. BUT in real life this is very likely to happen, and I am lead to believe DayZ is supposed to emulate an authentic ('realistic') zombie apocalypse, so why not include this?

Just some of the gameplay benefits of having radiation/toxic danger into the world of DayZ:

-Toxic zombies (Dun, Dun, Dun).

-New tools: Radiation/toxicity Meters, rad suits

-Black rain clouds (contaminated clouds that have acidic rain which galvinizes player to look for cover) like those experienced by Hiroshima, Nagasaki atomic bomb victims.

-Your character loses hair if he gets too much exposure. Boils on the face/hands?

-You die if exposed for too long.

-Other survivors might avoid or discriminate against those with higher radiation levels.

-Looting of a contaminated player/zombie might be too risky if you don't have the proper protection (rad suit).

...Your thoughts?

Edited by Jony_RocketInMyPocket
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It does remind me of Stalker, but still sounds like a valid idea. You have my beans for it!!!

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  On 9/14/2012 at 5:40 PM, Goldeen said:

And how do you know Chernarus has a Nuclear Plant?

i guess that would be the fault of our perception of Russia ;)

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  On 9/14/2012 at 5:46 PM, Jony_RocketInMyPocket said:

I don't. Read the second sentence buddy :D .

I think it's a shit suggestion honestly. There's no way to escape toxic rain and stuff like that. It's just going to frustrate players and won't add anything to the game if it would be as you describe it. If they added Dupleted Uranium shells that would be cool though.

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  On 9/14/2012 at 5:50 PM, Goldeen said:

I think it's a shit suggestion honestly. There's no way to escape toxic rain and stuff like that. It's just going to frustrate players and won't add anything to the game if it would be as you describe it. If they added Dupleted Uranium shells that would be cool though.

Well I don't know how you know that theres no way to escape toxic rain (Uhh, take cover maybe? hurr durr). And I take "frustrate" to mean it would make DayZ harder - I see that as a very very GOOD thing.

All of this Toxicity/Radiation business should (in my view) be subtle and whithin reason, certainly wouldn't expect it to overshadow the main threat the zombies/survivors make, but to supplement them.

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  On 9/14/2012 at 5:40 PM, Goldeen said:

And how do you know Chernarus has a Nuclear Plant?

Russia had a large nuclear program and not just in Mother Russia also in their puppet states. And most of those puppet states kept the reactors running after the dissolution of the USSR. For example the Chernobyl incident (located in Ukraine) only involved reactor four. One, two and three were kept in commission until 1996, 1991 and 2000 respectively.

So it is certainly likely that Russia would have built a reactor in Chernarus. But that the Chernarus Gov't would have kept it running for a while after the breakup of the Soviet Union.

In keeping with OP's suggestion, Rad suits could be found in military barracks. (Most military's have a CBRN [Chemical, Biological, Radiological Nuclear] branch and most also issue suits to soldiers in areas of danger, seeing as though the government would not have known the cause of the outbreak, it is likely CBRN suits would be standard issue to soldiers in the area)

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  On 9/14/2012 at 6:24 PM, cptmackay said:

Russia had a large nuclear program and not just in Mother Russia also in their puppet states. And most of those puppet states kept the reactors running after the dissolution of the USSR. For example the Chernobyl incident (located in Ukraine) only involved reactor four. One, two and three were kept in commission until 1996, 1991 and 2000 respectively.

So it is certainly likely that Russia would have built a reactor in Chernarus. But that the Chernarus Gov't would have kept it running for a while after the breakup of the Soviet Union.

In keeping with OP's suggestion, Rad suits could be found in military barracks. (Most military's have a CBRN [Chemical, Biological, Radiological Nuclear] branch and most also issue suits to soldiers in areas of danger, seeing as though the government would not have known the cause of the outbreak, it is likely CBRN suits would be standard issue to soldiers in the area)

Chernarus is a fictional country.

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  On 9/14/2012 at 6:25 PM, Goldeen said:

Chernarus is a fictional country.

Yes but it is based off of an actual location do some research! Nuclear Biological Chemical suits would be something you'd see around since this is a potential outbreak also masks, it's feasable to believe some soldiers would still be wearing said suits. NBC suits are issued to every soldier in the US Army along with gas masks. I like the thought of having these available but i think the reactor leaks, chemical rains would be a very difficult thing to apply to a game. The boils etc are just a bit extreme and as far as how many rads another players been exposed to what everyone has a gieger counter? If so just call the game fallout. I like the game the way it plays now, for the most part.

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