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Heli stuck under the sea - As Server Admin, how can we fix this?

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It appears a rather stupid hacker has moved / teleported our servers helicopter under the sea just south of Cherno.

We've tried swimming out to it, throwing grenades on it, all sorts, but we can neither get in it or destroy it.

It's been there for 12 days now...

I thought it would respawn after 7, but we're closing in on two weeks of it being there and it's still not gone.

Is there any way we can sort that?

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I had this problem as well, we ended up requesting a new instance ID because after 15 days still didn't spawn.

If anyone does have a fix for this though, would be greatly appreciated!

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check the DB, I am not server admin so I don't know how its work but maybe you can edit something there.

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Server restarts daily.

Not a single satchel charge found since we started playing... about 3 months back.

Rocket exploded at sea level.

Can't edit the database, as it's on the main hive, which we (for obvious reasons) don't have access to.

Really don't want a new instance ID - kinda hoping the game devs could offer some level of support for this :/

Edited by Sk93

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We had a similar problem to this that went on for 3 weeks. The bad news is we tried all of the above too and nothing would fix it/destroy it (Satchell charges, AS50 rounds, etc etc). In the end, the total hive reset of all vehicle locations due to the bug in saved us.

I'm not 100% certain if this will work, but it might be worth looking in to a script that you can use to teleport the heli back out (I know this is possible as hackers have done it to a chopper while I was in it). However ... this could end up getting you a global ban if BE picks it up so be careful.

Alternativley, maybe contact a dev and see if there is anything they can do to force the chopper to despawn.

Edited by Imentiu

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I also had this problem. So I get a new ID. With the new ID, no vehicles where spawning in my server... until yesterday. The thing is that the helicopter is not spawning, so it's very likely that the heli is again in the sea.

I think I'm going to use a hack to get it out of the sea, I hope I don't get banned for doing a "good thing".

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I also had this problem. So I get a new ID. With the new ID, no vehicles where spawning in my server... until yesterday. The thing is that the helicopter is not spawning, so it's very likely that the heli is again in the sea.

I think I'm going to use a hack to get it out of the sea, I hope I don't get banned for doing a "good thing".

hey, but the hackers aren't the problem! Server admins on power trips.... now thats a problem :)

bet you wished you had a much more beefy server rcon right about now. One that would despawn vehicles that went out of bounds like that. Perhaps one that would alert you to mass teleports? Got to be a way, but we admins cant be trusted for anything beyond forking over the $$.

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I think DayZ team should trust more in server admins. Give us tools against hackers problems!

The problem with this is that the tools most people request (ability to reset/teleport vehicles) is effectively giving the server admin hacker abilities. You think it's bad now with server admins restarting servers after they're stolen? They'd reset/teleport vehicles all day long to hoard them with such a "tool".

You'll just have to wait for Standalone for any sort of viable solution.

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