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Rex Instigator


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Just a random game, somewhere. Some action, mabye some stuff to keep for later. :)

I dont have a hard time gearing up.

Anyone? Blood transfusions and epi pens, you know.. No big deal just fun.

I dont use microphone, but i type really fast! Will be playing all night


Heres a nice picture ;)

Edited by Rex Instigator

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Sounds like a bandit trap. <_<

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haha, its not.. trust me :P

I just want some co op and some fun

Night time brings out the worst in people it seems

Oh, Ok, let's play! I completely trust you and don't think you want to kill me at all!

Hu? You see, the interesting thing about trust is that you don't trust bandits. And you could be a bandit. And so how can I trust you when you say you're not?

Edited by metapaus

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Well.. you can add some guts and keep your head up. Seriously :)

I just want some fun.. Im on my own, my stupid fps gaming friends all quit playing. And im no good a "bandit" on my own.

Anyway i have just been playing a couple of weeks.

Theres some places i would like to see, some things id like to get a hold of.

You can appreciate that cant you?

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This is useless i guess... whatever happened to that rule "number one"

I mean i can get geared up for effective combat in half an hour

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Im interesting as hell!

And i will go on and on like a bunny

Drinking coke, smoking cigarettes. Speculating

No microphone for me, not my fancy


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This is useless i guess... whatever happened to that rule "number one"

I mean i can get geared up for effective combat in half an hour

Oh, I'm just trolling you anyway. I don't care if I die, I only really feel cheated if it was by a bug or hacker. Usually I'm satasfied because it was fun or I learned something. You want to play, add me on skype. Chris Dewhurst. I'll see what we can do from there. Oh ya, and if you can't play US or UK servers it probably won't work out the best. I'm primarily US. I might be able to cope to UK otherwise. Sorry if I wasn't clear on joking, bro!

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I have merged your threads, please update your existing threads instead of creating new ones on the same subject.

I have also moved it to the Survivor HQ, as the New Player forum isn't the place to look for playmates.

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ok ok.. im sorry

@metapaus, can you just use the messenger here? I dont like running too much stuff on my pc. Im ok with UK servers tho

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*chuckle* I can not get online for another...6 hours...something like that. I'd be happy to give it a whirl.

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