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Has hacking gotten any better since last month?

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What is the level of hacks / hackers in this game right? Is it any better than maybe 1 month ago? Is it the same?

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played today for 1 hr hacked twice in five minutes on two different servers. basically its surivival until hackers kill you in someway . rename game to Hackerz . that is more accurate description of the game.

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I think its more down to luck than anything - I havent had a hacker occurrence for about two weeks now, but I havent been on regularly recently so take that how you will.

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You can minimize your risks by staying away from full servers, medium population and low population are a little safer. You can also play private servers and it will also decrease the odds but it still happens on there as well. Just play Lingor where dying is not that big of a deal every city at least has a couple of military spawns (think tents in Stary everywhere, but they are mini barracks) and there is a ton of military barracks around the map for rare gear. You die and lose some stuff on Lingor, who cares you will be geared again in under 20 minutes.

But I have not had a death by hack since the latest patch, maybe I am lucky or maybe I am just doing something right.

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But I have not had a death by hack since the latest patch, maybe I am lucky or maybe I am just doing something right.

I'm an SA, I play in the my Clan's server, it's a flip so it gets full at night. I got killed by hackers four times last night, banned three telenaders and a key scripter. Still probably didn't catch half of them.

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I went mad when I saw that video. Not crazy, just mad. It's been awhile since i've been that mad. Left his channel a nice comment.

I know the feeling.

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I got killed about four times in two nights by hackers and almost quit the game but decided to only join servers with less than ten players online and/or private hives.

Didn't die for about two weeks unti last night when even the private hive with added security and bug fixes got mass murdered out of nowhere.

I just honestly don't get it. It isn't even entertaining to just instantly kill everyone on the server so why do people do it? Surely it can't be that much fun to just click a button and know you ruined a lot of people's time.

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I went mad when I saw that video. Not crazy, just mad. It's been awhile since i've been that mad. Left his channel a nice comment.

Ditto. May leave a nice little "present" in his comments too.

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Dude...links to hacks... (sort of)

Anyway hacking hasn't decreased much. You may want to try to join a private hive.

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For the first several weeks, if not months, of me playing this mod, I was always killed in a legitimate way. Yesterday, I was teleported out over the ocean no less than twice on two different servers and encountered two different players with immortality and AS50 TWS on two others servers. Can't remember last time I was killed by someone who wasn't carrying a .50 cal. With that being said, I still sometimes survive for 10+ days. As MxLionheart said, luck is what it comes down to more than anything.

Edited by aHzdaNny

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Dude...links to hacks... (sort of)

Anyway hacking hasn't decreased much. You may want to try to join a private hive.

Having some knowledge of the accessibility and efficacy of this bullshit is a wake-up call. They've got bug free integrated in game GUI's. The fuck does battle-eye have?

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two weeks ago when they launched the .6 patch our server got smacked pretty badly by a script kiddie that decided to teleport/hide all of our vehicles.. Since they we havent had a single issue with our server. bare in mind that our server never exceeds 20+ people at a given time.

People can claim that hackers only target full servers, but I refuse to believe that. I have only experience first hand two incidents that involved hackers and that was on a server that only had two of my friends plus myself and three other people.

Dont fool yourself into think that you are safer on low pop servers. If they want to Fuck with you they will.

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@sp86 you know advertising hacks doesn't help with the problem. You should remove the video before banhammer falls.

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Low pop servers do seem to be a little bit safer. Only on my group has delt with in the past week, was a rabbit that was following my friend around, calling himself the easter bunny and dropping weapon crates.

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@sp86 you know advertising hacks doesn't help with the problem. You should remove the video before banhammer falls.

Quite to the contrary, watching these videos and understanding the mechanics of the hack has been instrumental in banning dozens of asshats from my server.

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If you're dying by hackers, you need to choose your servers more wisely.

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It's been better for me over the past couple weeks, last thing that killed me was a insta death on login and I think that's a bug not a hack.

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Worse, if anything. We're now encountering "groups" of skiddies who server hop together and do what they can to destroy the server before leaving. More and more cheaters being banned every day. Thankfully, vigilant admins are catching a lot of them, but banning them after they've done their damage is too late.

Players can post their experiences with cheaters and there seem to a lot of them, but admins are seeing a bigger picture and tbh, it is shocking.

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Worse, if anything. We're now encountering "groups" of skiddies who server hop together and do what they can to destroy the server before leaving. More and more cheaters being banned every day. Thankfully, vigilant admins are catching a lot of them, but banning them after they've done their damage is too late.

Players can post their experiences with cheaters and there seem to a lot of them, but admins are seeing a bigger picture and tbh, it is shocking.

I like you, guy.

Edited by sp86

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