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Hear flies,but i cant find body...

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So, i was running around Stary Sobor, trying to avoid bandits there, and suddenly somebody shoot at me, take 3000b out of me, so i was like "what the f now", but that guys was a stupid he was runing straight towards me so i had to kill him, question is, i can hear flies, but i couldnt find his body, is it possible that he alt+f4 in that moment? By the way, that was not the first time that i can hear flies but i cant see body?

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When they alt + f4 bodies are gone but flys are there.

When bodies hided same.

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Someone probably hid his body so it went underground/unlootable if you could see it.

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Yes, the body will sink into the ground if he alt-f4'd.

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he probably alt+f4, but he still died (my gues)

But sometimes you hear flies there are hiden body's somewhere

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