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Add tons of different basic clothing.

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Every player should dress different from hats to shoes, I would love to find a pair a jays in game.

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Q: How customizable will player skins be in the standalone? Will they work like they do now (full-body replacements) or will you be able to find different shirts/hats/etc?

A: Different clothing is on my list of design priorities

Q: On a scale from 1-10, what degree of customization in clothing of players will there be in the standalone game if it's currently rated at 3/10.

A: I would desire 10/10. Reality for the initial release is probably more like 5/10 and then it is something we work on.

Q: Will the standalone (or mod in future) have any features allowing customisation of appearance? I'd love to be able to find various hats/clothing/accessories in houses and supermarkets, and then change my appearance to be as bad-ass as possible

A: Customization yes, including colors and face, and also by picking up items in the world. And looking badass.

Edited by smasht_AU

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