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Rachel S

Car and Equipment giveaway! Right now!

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Try it, and I'll kill you again.

You fucking suck, and you're just making up lies to cover up the fact you're trying to camp a car for murders to look cool.

Please, just stop playing this game.

Also -- You will be reported for Admin abuse, because you cannot pull the server offline due to you dying.

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We're gonna try again tomorrow and with more members to keep an eye out for assholes like this clown.

Ill try come on with my squad if you want some extra guns to watch over, bare in mind we're currently at Gorka and NW airfield lol

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Try it, and I'll kill you again.

You fucking suck, and you're just making up lies to cover up the fact you're trying to camp a car for murders to look cool.

Please, just stop playing this game.

Also -- You will be reported for Admin abuse, because you cannot pull the server offline due to you dying.

We're not setting traps to kill people who are starting out. We can just sit on the coast and murder people all day if we wanted to do something like that. Do the world of DayZ a favor and hang yourself.

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i was the dead body you saw

You aren't the dead body. One of our members was killed by zombies while he was AFK

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Will all of you guys just shut the hell up already? It's a game for fuck's sake, and you're telling people to hang themselves over it? This escalated way too quickly over something trivial.

To the admins of the server: regardless of if you were legitimately trying to help new players or just setting out a trap, restarting the server because you died and calling someone else a hacker because of it without real proof IS admin abuse, and just being a sore loser in general. Play it right and play it with at least a little bit of respect for others. You may host a server and administrate it, but that doesn't give you any more power in the game whatsoever; you're just another player with a fancy title. Stop making the rest of the community look bad.

To everyone else: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. I wouldn't trust this "giveaway" myself.

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One of our guys got himself killed and his partner was picking up stuff to add to the car since he rage quit. And yeah, I wasn't killed, and since you're a shitty person, we shut the server down and we're going to try to give the car away another time. Fuck you, dude.

yeah that's not how the server is meant to be run. quit being such a crybaby and accept defeat.

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1. How did you not see this coming in dayz?

2. Again ^

3. Its insults like this that you throw back and forth at each other over a forum that makes dayz players look like dicks

Edit: Not calling anyone a dick here just hoping you get what am saying amigos. Also its good to see people at least trying to do good acts.

Edited by TheTang

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Fuck off kid.

Are you skipping your medication?

Fuck you, dude.

You fucking suck

Do the world of DayZ a favor and hang yourself.

How a bout you get laid, you arrogant cunt.

What the hell is going on in here?

This is a forum for a piece of entertainment software, I really fail to see the reason to get so worked up.

This thread is now locked and you are both getting a warning + one day PPS.

Jesus Christ.

Edited by Max Planck
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