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Elite grade sniper looking to join a squad

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Hey everyone, I started sniping today when I killed a guy with an AS50, I found out some tips on using the AS50 on YouTube, and currently can hit targets moving, from up to 500m within 1 shot. I can hit a still target up to 1600m in one shot. If you have a spare sniper rifle, and are looking for a loyal, elite grade sniper, send me a message on the forums, or add me on skype: l33t.ghillie


- L33T Ghillie

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You started sniping today and you consider yourself an elite grade sniper..? Also, if you already have an AS50 why would we need to provide you with one?

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You started sniping today and you consider yourself an elite grade sniper..? Also, if you already have an AS50 why would we need to provide you with one?

I know I started sniping today, but I have watched videos of snipers that are considered very good, and I take shots like they do easily. I had about 10 clips, so I got to kill a good 15-20 bandits, and I very rarely missed my shots. Normally only missed them when I tried hitting 750m+ moving, also I don't have an AS50 because I was spawned onto debug island by a hacker on a high pop server and was killed.

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If you think your elite your probably not.

In all honesty, if I was shit at sniping, I wouldn't be proclaiming myself as an elite sniper, I am simply comparing the level of ease it takes me to hit shots that most snipers cannot hit.

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I watched all those videos too so i guess im l33tsniprz too hit me up any1 wif free gearz

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I watched all those videos too so i guess im l33tsniprz too hit me up any1 wif free gearz

This is quite depressing, yes I know ANYBODY can watch a tutorial on sniping, but not anybody can actually learn from it, apply it, and actually end up hitting 99% of all shots. You are all treating me like shit from a post from a guy looking for a squad just because he is a good sniper, frankly, I don't care if you believe me or not. If you have confidence in me and want to make a useful post, please do. If your going to talk shit, please leave the thread.

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Elite grade sniper... (rofl btw) the vanilla ballistics are least to say meh for long range rifles and you not missing every target rather means that you found how to use long range rifle. That however doesn't make anyone elite in my opinion.

Sniping can be fun though and since you shooting bandits let me direct you on how to get better ;)

I never considered hitting target as the ultimate skill but range guessing, (no rangefinder) ability to find good yet not obvious spotts and in case of multiple targets, the ability to prioritize targets, like in case of providing cover for your teammates.

Don't fool yourself thinking that when you snipe a poor guy holding AKM with ironsights (aka can't fight back for shit really) you are getting better and whatnot. Obviously, sniper vs sniper or team vs team games are the ultimate testing facility and I can almost guarantee to you, that there will be somebody better tommorow, if not today.

Good luck and keep practicing

Edited by Colonel-Wicked

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I flew a helicopter for the first time today and didn't crash. I watch tons of videos.

Give me your chopper with all your good loot in it and let me fly you across the map. K?

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Honestly, I started sniping 2 weeks ago, and I still consider myself average, if you brag / have an ego, no offense you aren't worthy of a team since the team in your mind will revolve around your "ELITE" Sniping.

I'm above average, I can hit my shots simple enough, I prefer being an assualt player either way,but bragging or "Implying" isn't the best way to make friends or find a team willing to deal with it.

This is like me saying I'm better than Bill Cosby because I watched his videos and learned to be him...

Just no you don't do that.

EDIT: mfw reading this thread


Edited by Gorski

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Hey everyone, I started sniping today when I killed a guy with an AS50, I found out some tips on using the AS50 on YouTube, and currently can hit targets moving, from up to 500m within 1 shot. I can hit a still target up to 1600m in one shot. If you have a spare sniper rifle, and are looking for a loyal, elite grade sniper, send me a message on the forums, or add me on skype: l33t.ghillie


- L33T Ghillie

Hello there

Please take this post in the manner in which it is intended.I think the main issue is appointing yourself "Elite" grade. Elite to who's grade?

There are some things I am good at and some things I am bad at.

The things that I am best at, however, I would have a hard time in classing myself "Elite"

Proclaiming yourself Elite in such a short space of time/experience just isn't enough to qualify you calling yourself that hence the ridicule from many posters. Also, hitting a target at a distance is not what sniping is all and only about (although an admittedly important part).

You'd be better off just advertising your self as "a sniper", as if you have the balls to name yourself that, then folks will assume you have the relevant skills and experience in that role.

Also, using a name like "L33T Guille" in conjunction with the above just smacks of "trying a bit to hard".

I'd rather hire "Fred the nice average Marksman" than "L33T Guille "ELITE" Sniper".

Now, you may believe that you are awsome, and indeed it *may* be true, but these are titles other folk need to appoint to you rather than appointing yourself.


LoK the amazing super sexy disco hot forum poster of stupendousness and girth.

ps see?

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