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How Do You Roleplay?

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I roleplay by shooting everyone I see. Except females.

I shoot them in the legs, knock them unconcious, bandage them up, and then start dragging them around while tea bagging and making disturbing noises through my mic.

You'd be amazed how funny the reactions are.

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i stay the fuck away from everyone.

This infection is the best thing that could have ever happened to our disgusting over indulgent egotistical race.

i avoid all of you and if i am unfortunate enough to run into you then i just kill you and put you out of the misery that is sure to come one day.

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Awesome I still think I'm a chopper pilot from nam just trying to live out my dayz killing zombies and eating beans living off the land drinking Irish whiskey and knocking back beers .....to hardcore for the apocalypse .... Then again to soft for the real world but crazy as a motherfucker !

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Wow OP. I must say you take role playing to a new level.

My role play is to imagine that I'm a journalist dumped in the godforsaken part of the Russian Coast. I travel around meeting survivors and recording their stories. I leave posters up in all the major cities and return to see if anyone has responded. If they have we exchange notes to set a meet time and place.

Otherwise I ride around on my bicycle and try to find survivors in the large cities.

My character has died lots of time, but I've never killed a person.

Edited by Cherno Journo
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Joined an RP server, my player keeled over and died. Hackers...

Respawn with nothing, walk along the roadside to Elektro, it's on fire. Hackers...

Give up on RP'ing.

If I find a good server, I will. Any suggestions?

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I myself play as a lonewolf, so if I'm on a daytime servers i try a keep my movement to a minium and never travel for any long distance.(Because i get tired or haven't the energy, also on night time servers thats went i try and cover some ground) Walk or crouch jog everywhere and will only full sprint if my life depends on it(I'm not super-Human)........

Keeping to the tree lines at all times even if its just a short distance across an open field, I'd take the long way around, stopping every 15 minutes checking my surroundings like I'm covering my tracks.

Will plan in advance my route and never return to the same location as if once i have looted it there isn't any point in returning and if i want to (log-out) i need to setup camp around or near a water source.

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Do you mark on the map "my family was killed here" or something similar, because if you do I think I've seen you before. Good on you for committing to the role playing, although my friends and I pissed our self laughing at the markers.

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Joined an RP server, my player keeled over and died. Hackers...

Respawn with nothing, walk along the roadside to Elektro, it's on fire. Hackers...

Give up on RP'ing.

If I find a good server, I will. Any suggestions?

Yea this, I haven't been blown up just haven't seen much in the forums or nothing. I'd gladly immerse myself into the character :)

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I'm Leon S. Kennedy. I was a rookie cop in Racoon City, after my first day a virus known as the T-Virus broke out and consumed the city. A few years passed and I started to work for the US Federal Government. The President's daughter was kidnapped and I was sent into the buttfuck middle of nowhere to find her and bring her back home. So now after years of shooting zombies, seeing friends die, and being rejected by all the beautiful women I save I decided to take some R&R in Chernarus................-sigh-

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Like I just posted in another thread... the moment I find a mountain dew, I drop all other objectives and start running directly to green mountain, where I offer it to the mass grave while chanting a prayer to the Old Ones.

I also run away from forest chickens. They can't be trusted. They're in league with the goats.

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Do you mark on the map "my family was killed here" or something similar, because if you do I think I've seen you before. Good on you for committing to the role playing, although my friends and I pissed our self laughing at the markers.

yeah I write a variety of things along those lines. "family found here...dead" "I lost my family here" "they killed my family here", etc. what I write depends on how educated I decide that avatar is.

I'm glad you got a kick out of it though :) it was probably surprising if you weren't expecting it haha

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I roleplay as a village idiot/comedy clown type guy to provide comic relief. I pretend to hump people when they have their backs turned, chase after rabbits like a retarded cocker spaniel, initiate roly poly races down hills, lob flares at people in the dark and generally annoy other players not in my team(well I usually end up annoying them too). My latest funny was cycling a bike up and down the road just outside Elektro on a night server calling everyone shooting at me "bawbags" and "fannies" cos they couldn't seem to hit me. In the end I smacked into a zed and knocked myself unconscious. I find the game is so unintentionally hilarious which is a big draw for me. I hope the standalone doesn't lose this.

My next thing will be to more of a prankster. Bear traps at the top of ladders, satchel charges on tents/vehicles/bodies, lobbing nades on sniper hill etc

Edited by Timboski

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How about these ideas for roleplay:

Jehovahs Witness - cant have blood transfusions

Junkie - needs a morphine hit every few hours

Blind - turn off your monitor

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I really did eat Baked Beans while playing DayZ today.

And my Ghillie suit keeps getting caught in the keyboard.

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How about these ideas for roleplay:

Jehovahs Witness - cant have blood transfusions

Junkie - needs a morphine hit every few hours

Blind - turn off your monitor

These are just priceless. Spat out my drink over the keyboard - pure gold.

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I role play by running in the opposite direction whenever I see someone with a gun, just like I would IRL.

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I just RP a survivor, try to avoid bandits, infected and only kill if there is no other choice. ;)

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My play-style is pretty much violent. Anyone in the same city as me gets his head thrown three blocks (Reference win)

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If i get a KO or broken legs I like to roleplay over the mic in my outback huskiness, asking Do you call that a Spoon? Pretending to execute, etc

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