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Country restriction [standalone]

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I cant judge the author though. The idea makes sense, because I tried talking to people sometimes and they understood neither russian nor english. So a firefight began because they couldn't even understand i'm friendly. They were not bandits. Some even were heroes. Q/e In the middle of the street would be a stupid idea. So it really makes sense.

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The server hosts can already kick for high pings (set ping restriction lower), and such would solve most problems of foreign players. Plus once the standalone goes live there will be more servers from each country, meaning players wont have to try joining foreign servers.

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LoL I find the people that don't have english as their first language is generally going to be more inclined to listen to you. This is my findings from other games really because I've only found -one- person to even reply to me in VoIP.

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I can imagine a server limitation based on PING, lotsa servers currently have a max ping set.

Per country? Nay, says I!

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I tried talking to people sometimes and they understood neither russian nor english. So a firefight began because they couldn't even understand i'm friendly. They were not bandits. Some even were heroes.

This is emergent gameplay, it adds to the game in my opinion.

Communication problems happen in real life so it also adds to the believability of the setting, as opposed to the monolingual/monoethnic Chernarus the OP is proposing.

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Agree with max, the communication breakdown adds another dimension to the game/simulation (whatever you want to call it) and makes it more interesting, brings psychology into play. And that's where DayZ is unique and different than other zombie games.

Edited by MLI

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Why limit a server to a select group of countries though? There's nothing i like doing more then playing with a few American blokes, it just adds diversity to the game. Even if there is a language barrier, it shouldn't determine who gets to play a server and who doesn't. Language barriers happen in every day life, and i think it adds to the whole sandbox feel of the game if you ask me.

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The whole concept and idea sucks, and it is a fail. Since when did you see servers for video games having a national restriction. This sounds more like spreading the racism then trying to get rid of it.

It works just fine as it is. Never experienced any problem at any game with people talking other languages on the server. Are you sure it ain't a problem on your side? Maybe you being an ass of an admin? No hard feelings, just asking.


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It works just fine as it is. Never experienced any problem at any game with people talking other languages on the server. Are you sure it ain't a problem on your side? Maybe you being an ass of an admin? No hard feelings, just asking.

Nope it works not fine at it is. The Problem is you have many people ingame that don´t speak english or the country language from the server.

So there is no comunication possible when the situation is so, the only way of clearing is Shooting.

The other situation is that it happens repeatedly that you find a Stranger and he is friendly but after talking he checks out from what land you come then he Shoots you, happens all the time.

But i dont care anymore people are ignorant and stupid, but thats the way it is....thread can be closed.

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What a stupid and racist idea. There's no chance it's gonna be implemented. Even if it would then I hope your server gets populated only with russian immigrants from your country just to piss you off.

Language has nothing to do with race.

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No no no NO NO! The whole point of dayz is that you can play with anyone around the world for a new experience. I've seen countless MMOs die out because they started putting up country specific servers, that tore apart the player base and destroyed clans. individually they got bored and 2 years later the game completely died on all versions of the game.

the 'hacker free' argument is flawed since in the standalone the scripts will no longer work, and only the rare, few good hackers will actually hack. thing is, those good hackers have better things to do than fiddle with hacking in dayz.

Most of the rampant hackers you have had to deal with so far have been kiddies who bought them from real hackers, those kiddies will die horribly again and again in the standalone since they won't have hacks to back them up.

Cutting the player base down to countries will kill this game. Heed my warning.

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OMG, surrounded by Trolls.

DAMNIT Dont focus on this crap racist or not racist shit....keep eye on comunicationsproblems on servers! Holy shit again!

So..thread is now open for the next jerk that comes with the racist shit!

There won't be a global chat isn't it?

Could be funny to have a russian gang, an english gang, and they wage war because of language barriers :)


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