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Server provider choice

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Hello there fellow survivers, I was thinking about buying my own server for DayZ but theres sooo many server providers to chose from and I can't really decide, any help would be much appreciated, I was thinking about vilayer, hostaltitude and gaming deluxe, only requierment is that server can be or is in europe and that the server will run fine I.E 60 fps etc.

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Vilayer host our server and they are pretty damn good. Quick support response and patches are normally available the next day, if not sooner. And I believe they will be helping with hosting for the standalone.

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One admin to another,

Welcome to the world of headaches and hackers. Well ... 99.99% aren't hackers, just script-kiddies (skiddies) that downloaded someone elses work and use that until Battleye catches them. Anyway, the "thank yous" will be far and few between, and it's going to be a pain in your butt on occasion. I suggest getting a couple of buddies you trust to help you admin things. It's a pain doing one alone, and even worse doing multiple servers.

Am I QQ'ing a bit ... lol maybe. It's a pain sometimes. But let me tell you what, that one time in a thousand that one single player comes into TS or emails to thank you makes up for all of it.

Just try to be as fair and as proactive as you can and your players will appreciate you.

Good luck,


aka Gravel, admin US 1550 and US 2522

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I can't seem to access the admin menu ingame when I press shift+p gives me script ristriction 195 for some reason

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I currently have Defcon, they are OK but no one knows much more than setup and you are damn near on your own after. Was going to try Vilayer, they advertise 1 hour setups then maybe 24hours to get Dayz ID but after 3 days and still nothing, I can't imagine what kind of support I would get if they can't set one up in 3 days so they are canceled. It is a headache to as advertised above, get a trusted friend to help you and your error you got about accessing the panel, you will need to reinstall the game be it .6 or .5. I had to downgrade to .5 and then go back to .6 in order to get it to allow me into the panel. Then I had to wait while I had Defcon reinstall my battleye because my CP panel would not update as it should. This is all on a managed server too. Try and get BERcon to work for admin, it helps when it works. http://www.battleye.com/download.html

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I can't seem to access the admin menu ingame when I press shift+p gives me script ristriction 195 for some reason

It's restricted, what are you trying to do?

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The in-game admin panel will be disabled via script restriction if you use the Community Ban List's script filters. This is because enabling this feature allows a guarantee and easy way for hackers to execute their hack scripts. I won't go into the specifics, but enabling this will guarantee that hackers have a ridiculously easy way to hack on your server.

I advise that you leave the script restriction in place and forego using the in-game admin panel. Use an RCON tool for out-of-game administration.

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