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Duping gone please, ruining the game.

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If there was only one fix for the alpha i wish it was duping, i dont care about broken legs from tree roots and buggy zombies or gun-eating backpacks. There doesnt seem to be many hackers around either now.Theres no one anywhere on the map except for the 2 cities and its totally boring! Too many duping tents and too easy to dupe personal items and too tempting. Just fix that and work on the standalone and id be happy.

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Im pretty sure this will be addressed in the full release, it's certainly not gone unnoticed has it?

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I concur.

What i have been doing latley is going around just before server resets and taking all the items out of the tent and droping them on the ground then saving the tent. After the the reset the items i left on the ground have gone. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

That or i just run them over in a vehicle or blow them up with grenades or C4.

I currently have a long list of duping tents on ANZ servers that im slowly working my way through.

I hope other players do the same or at least save the tent after they looted it so other CANNOT do the same.

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The duping problem is the biggest issue at the moment IMO, I would be happy to play alpha as it is now until stand alone if they fixed it.

As I am helping to establish an effective trade outpost, having gear so easily accessible does not help our cause.

@kryvian Tents still come back on restart with whatever gear they had in them when they were last saved, so if you empty a tent and save it, on restart there will be nothing in it.

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I concur.

What i have been doing latley is going around just before server resets and taking all the items out of the tent and droping them on the ground then saving the tent. After the the reset the items i left on the ground have gone. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

That or i just run them over in a vehicle or blow them up with grenades or C4.

I currently have a long list of duping tents on ANZ servers that im slowly working my way through.

I hope other players do the same or at least save the tent after they looted it so other CANNOT do the same.

That does not always work. We've have destroyed tents by various means and after a restart they are back full of gear that has duplicated itself so instead of having say an M4 SD, and M107 in the tent after a restart there's two M4 SD's and two M107's. Tents and vehicles are seriously messed up atm so I think your wrong to think everybody is duping there not it's a bloody bug. Your really wasting your time if you think your getting rid of all the gear.

Best would be to do a db wipe on items and gear and just leave the gear that each player has on them after they fix the bugs. Until then you'll be doing nothing but emptying tents and saving them when you could be playing DayZ.

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ultimately dupers, hackers and cheaters in general are only really cheating themselves, the whole point of this game is the struggle to survive and finding stuff is part of that, they are depriving themselves of the rewarding feeling that comes with achieving things in game through hard work and pure luck.

Of course i understand why people get angry and frustrated by this behaviour but in my humble opinion the cheaters are losing out, they will soon get bored by this game because they can have it all, right here right now and rarely will they experience the true joy the rest of us are occasionally blessed with.

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this is half the reason my clan can be a clan. with permant duped weapons.. we have an entire camp of dumped weapons. if i die, I just simply turn up there to replace weapons, yes its 2 easy and yes ill keep doing untill it changes.. every weapon and item is at my disposal but its ages away from the spawn point witch is the only draw back.... which isnt much

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I dont really care if the tents are duping hacked items or are completly legit. I destroy them or drop the items on the ground. I have checked back directly after a restart and and again later and every tent i have done this to has not continued to dupe. This not only goes for tents but all kinds of "dangerous" loot i find.

I would like it if there was a lot less loot floating around, at the moment its disgustingly easy to gear up. There really needs to be a full wipe for all players/tents/vehicles as soon as the problem is fixed.

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ultimately dupers, hackers and cheaters in general are only really cheating themselves, the whole point of this game is the struggle to survive and finding stuff is part of that, they are depriving themselves of the rewarding feeling that comes with achieving things in game through hard work and pure luck.

Um. You realize this is a multiplayer game, right?

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this is half the reason my clan can be a clan. with permant duped weapons.. we have an entire camp of dumped weapons. if i die, I just simply turn up there to replace weapons, yes its 2 easy and yes ill keep doing untill it changes.. every weapon and item is at my disposal but its ages away from the spawn point witch is the only draw back.... which isnt much

Then what enjoyment do you get out of the game? Whats the fun in knowing you have a whole bunch of duped weapons back at base? It's people like you that kill this game. Honestly, i don't know why people get a kick out of duping weapons, a big part of the game is just finding them, and risking your life to finding them, and if you're just going to dupe them.. Well, go back to your CoD then.

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