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hideout making and more ideas

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here is my ideas. make cars alot more common but fuel alot rarer.

let players choose buildings such as supermarkets farms and apartments to make a hideout.

players could then find piles of planks and sheets of metal and sandbags to fortify their hideout and then load it all into a car or truck depending on the size of the car.

players could then go back to the hideout and build the base in the way they want to.

(taking a hideout disables all loot spawns in the building).

(if the sleep feature is added) players could sleep in relative safety unless zombies break in

the owner of the hideout could set up tin cans on string and place trip mines.

players could find a 50.cal machine gun and place it on top of the base.

players could rig up generators to restore lights to the base.

zombie attacks could happen if the players has drawn zombies back to base and not killed them.

when the player logs off the hideout is saved for when they come back THIS IS ALL AN IDEA FOR A SINGLEPLAYER CAMPAIGN.

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Already Confirmed in Standalone. (Common Cars, Rare Fuel)

DayZ will never have a Singleplayer Campain with a Story... it's not that type of Game...

Mabye a Singleplayer but that would only be the Normal Game without other Players, so you can try things out.

Try to use the Forum Search before open a New Topic

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i did not mean with a story i meant so that if dayz is released on console people without internet connection can play a singleplayer mode

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  On 9/11/2012 at 9:25 AM, apache25 said:

i did not mean with a story i meant so that if dayz is released on console people without internet connection can play a singleplayer mode

Console :D hahahah

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  On 9/11/2012 at 9:31 AM, Lappihuan said:

Console :D hahahah

Pretty sure Rocket confirmed he WANTED to TRY to port to Console.

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