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omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

Giant hacker camp on US 2978 (Server's up again)

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US 2978: Found this under the bridges to the west of Kamenka. There were some silenced AKs and AS50 TWSs, but I blew up the tents they were in with frags. I also got rid of the barbed wire for you all. I didn't blow up every tent, so now people can freely loot it. There is still food, guns, and ammo left. Satchel charges, too. All legitimate guns in the tents remain. There is lots of food, ammo, a Winchester, FALs, but no vehicles. 5 people on the server. Lots of things in there. Go for it!

WARNING: The camp owner is watching over the camp somewhere. Thoroughly scan the treeline before approaching.


Edited by omgwtfbbq
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they will be back again after server restarts... Thanks for being a good guy by blowing up their tents though.

Edited by Bonehead3535

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Updated, seems that Doc Nasty is going to get there first.

Edited by omgwtfbbq

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  On 9/11/2012 at 6:54 AM, jblackrupert said:

Looting hacker tents on empty servers..

You are still the master.

LOL You're still angry? Calm down, bro. Also, you didn't read the post, dumbass. "The server is empty as of right now, everyone left for some reason" I left too. Empty servers = no bueno. Obvious troll is obvious. No more food for you.

Edited by omgwtfbbq

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> Log into camp.

> See bandit sitting in tree near camp with MK 48.

> Kill bandit. Evidently he was sleeping on the job.

> Suddenly server shut down.

Methinks I may have hit a nerve. Or juglar.

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  On 9/11/2012 at 7:29 AM, Fyre said:

> Log into camp.

> See bandit sitting in tree near camp with MK 48.

> Kill bandit. Evidently he was sleeping on the job.

> Suddenly server shut down.

Methinks I may have hit a nerve. Or juglar.

Come back later, it'll still be there

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  On 9/11/2012 at 7:33 AM, omgwtfbbq said:

Come back later, it'll still be there

Tbh, it was a disappointing stash. DMRs, FALs, AS50's of various sorts. And a lot of hacked ammunition for hacked guns that weren't there. No tools, coyote packs or other things. Surprisingly large amount of Makarovs. I was hoping for Satchel Charges, NVGs, GPSs, Camping Tents, maybe a Radio..

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How the heck do you display the image instead of the link...?

Edited by Angel_

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Oh. For those concerned, the camp/server owner bandit that I assume was protecting his stash and shut down the server upon his death was named "Frissy."

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  On 9/11/2012 at 7:53 AM, Fyre said:

Tbh, it was a disappointing stash. DMRs, FALs, AS50's of various sorts. And a lot of hacked ammunition for hacked guns that weren't there. No tools, coyote packs or other things. Surprisingly large amount of Makarovs. I was hoping for Satchel Charges, NVGs, GPSs, Camping Tents, maybe a Radio..

There were six Satchel Charges when I got there, I took two. Should still be four left. Also, it seems like the camp owner got word about this. THANKS FOR THE SATCHEL CHARGES AND SD AMMO YOU HACKING PIECE OF SHIT

Edited by omgwtfbbq

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Isn't looting/advertising hacked camps just as bad as cheating? So an AS50 TWS isn't supposed to be in the game so you destroyed it, but is any of the stuff in that camp supposed to be in the game if it was spawned in by hacks or duplicated?

It seems a lot of people hate hackers but enjoy getting free hacked items from them. Won't it mess up the experience if everybody has the best weapons and a bag full of frag grenades that should never have existed in the first place?

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  On 9/11/2012 at 10:15 AM, kungfu said:

Isn't looting/advertising hacked camps just as bad as cheating? So an AS50 TWS isn't supposed to be in the game so you destroyed it, but is any of the stuff in that camp supposed to be in the game if it was spawned in by hacks or duplicated?

It seems a lot of people hate hackers but enjoy getting free hacked items from them. Won't it mess up the experience if everybody has the best weapons and a bag full of frag grenades that should never have existed in the first place?

Personally, I don't consider it all that bad to raid a hack camp and take back items lost by dying to hacks. Which is mostly what I do. Most people are just into destroying the things, which is mainly just supposed to annoy the hell out of the creator of said things. You know, since they annoy others. It's the only way to get back at them, really. Even if they can spawn it back in later, it's time, effort.. and the difficulty of picking a decent spot. Obviously where they were before is no longer viable. Good luck finding something just as accessible, yet remote! Even better if they are unable to spawn it in anymore due to recent updates, and what they lost is irreplaceable, or if they try and get their key banned. I have no remorse for any difficulty incurred upon them, as they incur much more difficulty upon others. And that's the point, really. Keep 'em coming.

Edited by Fyre

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  On 9/11/2012 at 10:15 AM, kungfu said:

Isn't looting/advertising hacked camps just as bad as cheating? So an AS50 TWS isn't supposed to be in the game so you destroyed it, but is any of the stuff in that camp supposed to be in the game if it was spawned in by hacks or duplicated?

It seems a lot of people hate hackers but enjoy getting free hacked items from them. Won't it mess up the experience if everybody has the best weapons and a bag full of frag grenades that should never have existed in the first place?

I already had two frags on me from a month ago. I decided that this was the best time to use them, as Satchel Charges would have blown up the bridge above and all of the tents, which isn't what I want. As someone mentioned, I did it solely to bother whoever put work into spawning this. And publicly announced where exactly the camp was, making it even more of a problem for the hacker, as they have to fend of waves of looters. I understand what you mean, but if there's some beans (and my water bottles that I forgot, damn it) that some newspawn in Kamenka can get to make his gameplay experience better, I say let it be. If there were any cars, I would have taken one for myself, though. lol

Anyway, server is back up. Someone check, and if it's not there, then /thread.

Edited by omgwtfbbq

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Checked this out today - bridge was flattened when I arrived. Every tent crushed, no loot around. Several dead freshspawn bodies around - jumped off of the other bridge and added my own to the pile.

Nice find, nonetheless!

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