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Bandit seeking Bandit

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Hello bandits! I am 16 and i'm looking for a few 14+ yrs. old players to play DayZ with.

I'm experienced and I have no lag on ultra on any server so I don't care if you play European servers (i live in US)

looking for social people that know what a joke is and aren't awkward as fuck.

must have a mic!!! I generally use skype or TS3

pm me your skype or comment it whatever.

hope to raid bitches with you soon


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i play from ireland and im 17 i have killed 13 people can i join you? i have a few m16 mags and a jeep i could trade you

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Hello if your interested we are recruiting for a clan/squad and we have are own teamspeak hop on whenever if you want to join


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Bandit here. I have killed a bunch of people and I'm a veteran of the game. I mostly play on private server to avoid bs and because theres always people looking to pvp. I play mostly past 4 pm EST steam ID is LoneGunman. I got skype and TS

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