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bye bye hackers ... you will not be missed

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Easy way to find out the hacks and exploits is to sign up to the cheater forums who have paid subscriptions and they provide you with all the working exploits and then you just patch your client accordingly. The owners of the hacker forums have no idea who is a spy from anti cheat clients and who are genuine customers.

The hackers who make the cheats rarely play the games anyway they are there to make money from their forums. like a criminal business model.

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well i got instant killed twice yesterday so their not doing as good as you say

they killed me in stary then 20 sec after i spawned on the beach :(

so the very fact that cheaters exist means BE is doing a bad job?

that's some idiot logic right there.

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That's sort of how the playing field is. Right now the hacks are bypassing BE. Why would they do that if it was useless? The latest ban-wave was probably one bypass-hack busted. They might be back 2 days later with a shady key that doesn't always work and their current hack doesn't work.

And I'm a bit skeptical of your claim. As an admin I'm sure you're not confusing this with the script detection that kicks, but why aren't you running it? Why can only private hives do that? Maybe an external log-inventory-checker?


I am not entirely sure what is in place to be honest, all i know is if they join with any script injector or whatever running they get a message saying :admin ban: script detected. (and it's his own dedi box).

As for myself i gave up on hosting due to lack of knowledge and understanding of hacks/scripts/bypasses etc. (which i am working on now).

Thanks for a decent reply also and not tryna jump down my throat and suggesting i read a book.

Edited by DaveyP

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Thanks for a decent reply also and not tryna jump down my throat and suggesting i read a book.

Your claims require evidence. You've effectively stated "this pig can fly". With such a bold claim, you bet I'm going to jump on you for it. You must now provide evidence to back up this claim if you want to use it as any sort of ammunition against BattlEye or otherwise. The "my friend said" doesn't cut it. Proof is needed.

I apologize that I don't relish in fuzzy claim of "Well I heard that..." with no proof and jump on the bandwagon with you.

Despite that I was being a bit tongue in cheek about saying "read a book", the intent behind it was genuine. Your questions about "why can they just bypass it again a few days later?" *is* answered in material available either for free online or in many white hat hacker publications like the one I mentioned. You asked a question, I gave you the answer. Despite that you may not like how I gave the answer.

I request evidence/answers from you, you ignore me and say I'm an asshole.

Just understand that if you are going to make bold claims and use it as ammunition against someone, people like me are going to spring out and demand proof. If you don't have proof, be prepared to be treated accordingly.

I still am very anxiously awaiting details on your claims. I would guarantee you that you are misunderstanding what is actually going on and that it is not what you think it is. I say this because if what you say is true, the entire world is basically oblivious to an inherent root kit that's baked into the windows operating system that no one is aware of other than your friend. You would have quite the 15 minutes of fame with many security companies and experts should this be true, as they would want to close that hole immediately. I say it like that simply to demonstrate the extraordinary nature of your claims. It literally would be that serious.

Despite the "angries" back and forth, I still genuinely would like you to answer so that we can understand what's going on instead of just firing off hearsay left and right as a means of badmouthing BattlEye or BiS.

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so the very fact that cheaters exist means BE is doing a bad job?

that's some idiot logic right there.

Last time i checked their job (what they get paid for) was to stop hackers, what so far you think they are doing a good job?

If battleye is on arma 3 omg that will be a epic fail

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Last time i checked their job (what they get paid for) was to stop hackers, what so far you think they are doing a good job?

If battleye is on arma 3 omg that will be a epic fail

I agree. If I see news report of a criminal, I immediately come to the conclusion that the nation's police force is worthless and that 100% of law enforcement nationwide should just be fired. Everyone knows that if you are not 100% effective 100% of the time, you are absolutely useless and should just be scrapped entirely.

Do you see how that logic is faulty? They've banned droves of hackers. All you have to do is visit any hack forum and see the oceans and oceans of tears about people saying they were banned and they are upset at having to pay money if they want to play again. Negativity bias is annoying. Stop propagating your bias.

ARMA3 will use BattlEye because they have the track record, knowledge, and history to deal with the unique challenges of the type of engine/game ARMA3 is. It would be an "Epic Fail", as you put it, if they went with another anti-cheat engine.

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what? battle eye has a colossal job if they are to protect such a game and imho, so far they have been doing a great job.

NOW all the little attention fags who think they're right come along to say battle eye doesn't do shit.

Go home, put your computer in a box, give box to first poor kid you meet on the street. thanks.

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Last time i checked their job (what they get paid for) was to stop hackers, what so far you think they are doing a good job?

If battleye is on arma 3 omg that will be a epic fail

So you're expecting them to completely stop all cheating?

Like I said, idiot logic.

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For every hacker that BattleEye bans, ten more players start hacking the next day.

As rocket stated, the Arma II engine cannot be locked down. It is one of the most easily exploited game engines on the market.

As such, the amount of hacking for the DayZ mod will just get worse and worse.

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For every hacker that BattleEye bans, ten more players start hacking the next day.

Pure conjecture.

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some of you need to realize that a "mod" is essentially a "hack"

they could lock down Arma 2, but then things like DayZ wouldn't be possible

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some of you need to realize that a "mod" is essentially a "hack"

they could lock down Arma 2, but then things like DayZ wouldn't be possible

It's actually the other way around. Base ARMA2 without a single mod heavily requires the scripting engine. It's just how ARMA2 works.

They could lock down the scripting engine to only permit the specific scripting calls made by DayZ and fix hacking. But, they'd end up eviscerating ARMA2 and render it and any other mod than DayZ broken and unplayable

That's basically what exactly is going to happen for DayZ standalone. The scripting engine will be torn out (destroying ARMA2 functionality) and the functionality for DayZ hard coded in place without the scripting engine.

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It's actually the other way around. Base ARMA2 without a single mod heavily requires the scripting engine. It's just how ARMA2 works.

They could lock down the scripting engine to only permit the specific scripting calls made by DayZ and fix hacking. But, they'd end up eviscerating ARMA2 and render it and any other mod than DayZ broken and unplayable

That's basically what exactly is going to happen for DayZ standalone. The scripting engine will be torn out (destroying ARMA2 functionality) and the functionality for DayZ hard coded in place without the scripting engine.

it seems the conclusion is the same: you can't have your cake and eat it

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Do people realize it's not Battleye that's having a tough time, it's Arma 2 itself? The engine is easily hacked.

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Do people realize it's not Battleye that's having a tough time, it's Arma 2 itself? The engine is easily hacked.

Easily hacked? It is built for people to be able to execute scripts...

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Battleye sucks sooooooooooooo bad, unbelieveble amount of hackersd in this game & of course server admins have no authorit to do anything about it.

This is almost as retarded as when MW2 had matchmaking on the PC. "I know, lets remove all admins from the game because PC players nevre ever ever hack ever. And our super amazing punkbuster is super amazing"

Same ol shit, different day

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Battleye sucks sooooooooooooo bad, unbelieveble amount of hackersd in this game & of course server admins have no authorit to do anything about it.

This is almost as retarded as when MW2 had matchmaking on the PC. "I know, lets remove all admins from the game because PC players nevre ever ever hack ever. And our super amazing punkbuster is super amazing"

Same ol shit, different day

yeah no authority apart from checking logs, banning people, adding anti scripting stuff.

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Of the f'ing millions of fascinating things available to learn on this earth, your going with that? Your going to learn something that essentially tips over the chess boards of people playing chess. Your going to learn that? Were hitting fucking asteroids with missiles and your going with that? A way to fuck with people who didn't do shit to you?

Are you really that fucking ignorant? The general I.Q of some people absolutely fucking blows me away sometimes. From me saying it seems interesting, you took; I AM GOING TO HACK AND FUCK PEOPLES SHIT UP.

Well done.

It is a topic I find interesting for a completely non-douche bag related reason.

I suggest before posting on the forums again you try not to be a complete cunt and maybe not assume everyone is a hacker.

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Someone please tell what this means. It's from the publicvariable.log. Shouldn't this be empty?

12.09.2012 12:04:23: (edited out) - #0 "player26193542" = <NULL-object>

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Well... a new undetectable public hack has just been unleashed, so I'd be extra careful to login into any servers with more than 2 players.

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Well... a new undetectable public hack has just been unleashed, so I'd be extra careful to login into any servers with more than 2 players.

UndetectED not undetectABLE. The last 2 incarnations of this hack were recognized and global bans issued within 24 hours. I'm honestly amazed that people are still going to try it.

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I see a lot of people blaming the Mods and Devs and not enough focus on the true problen.... "THE HACKERS THEMSELVES" I've said this B4 and will say it again.

If your going to hack fine but don't be a idiot and kill other players trying to play the game for what it is designed to do, JUST DONT MESS WITH OUR GAMING!!

STOP been a Doosh!

You can see what the hack does on youTube and well there is no need to kill other player whilst you have the ability to warp anywhere, create anyweapon etc etc

I know my first game was going well after many deaths and learning to fight zombies, much later me an a friend moved north checking out a barn and I now now that we where killed by a hacker (the kill payer hack) It breaks your legs and then kills you. THis was a major upset to my fun. These people have no respect for others in game and I would think the no respect for / of people outside the gaming world, compleete TOOLS. Isn't that why we are building all these FEMA site around the world, for tools that hack and have no respect for law and order, have nothing to do with refugees.

NAME AND SHAME THESE HACKERS, just have some proof to back you up if your going to say real bad stuff else people get upset or just simply say "wasn't me"

A free program to take screen shots or 30second of in game video is called "FRAPS" so get that on ya PC and bust these Tools so we can all have more fun and less of this bitch'n at Dev's and Mods for creating a great game that upseting sods like hakers kill us all. Simply they cant play video games so they hack so they are the greatest. SOFT very soft.

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people complain about hackers

they say batteye does nothing

battleye bans 1000's of players

they still say battleye does nothing


Because those same people jump on a server while reading 2000 players banned, only to get dropped from the air a few seconds later or insta killed by a server wide kill off. The shitty script kiddies no longer even have the decency to thunderdome everyone and let the best guy win.. Instead they just click a button and kill the whole server population.

Honestly it really makes me wonder what kind of people are behind doing that. I could see getting your jollies once or twice but I just don't get the amusement of doing it over and over.

Edited by crockett

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Because those same people jump on a server while reading 2000 players baned, only to get dropped from the air a few seconds later or insta killed.

so, in your mind, "2000 cheaters banned" means "every single cheater in the game banned" ?

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Why can't Battleye incorporate something like this?

Its a simple reason, and ones thats been explained many times.

Battleeye watches over ALL ARMA game modes and mods, including Dayz. In vanilla ARMA scripting is part of the game due to its modifiable nature.

But its not used as a hackz0r uber tool in the rest of ARMA, its there so you can make new missions etc on the fly.So because of this, things branded as illegal in DayZ are not illegal in other modes.

Battleeye doesn't know what bit of ARMA you are playing. so it can't hand you a ban for that AS50TWS because on other non-DayZ ARMA servers that can is legal.

So it can't hand you a ban on public servers because its looking after all modes, not just DayZ.

Private servers however, are dealing with JUST the DayZ code, and are totally removed from anything else ARMA related, hence why so many private hive admins can addit their own filters etc to tighten security.

So when rocket and devs say 'this will be dealt with in standalone' they actually mean it. Because the battleye minding DayZ:the game will be dedicated to just DayZ.

Edited by Never
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