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hugostranger (DayZ)

Optional NPC follower

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I'd love the option to choose an optional goal that makes the game harder when spawning a new character.

For instance a young child NPC who follows you around.

They would require food, water and be more susceptible to the cold.

They could also create more noise, scream when you shoot etc.

If possible over time they could become stronger, faster and possibly be able to use a sidearm (but be very inaccurate and shoot at annoying times).

Anything like this that adds a bit of extra challenge to the game.

Alternatively maybe you could spawn in with a character who is overweight so they run more slowly.

Basically any optional handicap to ramp up the level of difficulty for an experienced player without negatively affecting everyone else.

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no, but by playing as child would be interesting.

as much as people would complain about it being stupid,

there defo would be people who would play as kids, but i doubt that anything would be introduced where children could be eaten and shot, despite my sincerest hopes.

no to anything NPC, just animals and zeds.

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Dogs are being implemented into the game as followers, and they require food/water and likely make players with them more visible.

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The game can be made harder without this nonsequitor... Like so many other suggestions I reject it on the basis that it is so low on the priority list that it's of no use.

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Mercy killings will be on the rise.

if i spawned with a child dog or any other npc my first task would be to kill them off.

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