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Hey all I bought and downloaded both ArmA 2 games simply to play this game and I can't get on! Gutted! Basically I tried using the updater thingy and it gets to:

Checking current ARMA II path setting...

Found ArmA2OA.exe, game folder correct.

Saving settings ...

Detecting .rar files at : http://cdn.armafiles.info/

.rar file found : dayz_anim_v0.1.rar

.rar file found : dayz_code_v1.7.0.rar

.rar file found : dayz_equip_v1.2.5.rar

.rar file found : dayz_sfx_v1.1.2.rar

.rar file found : dayz_v1.2.6.rar

.rar file found : dayz_vehicles_v0.1.rar

.rar file found : dayz_weapons_v1.1.2.rar

Downloading files, please wait until complete.

Downloading dayz_anim_v0.1.rar.....

then it stops! Gutted! :huh: Really wanna play the game because it looks wicked but it's a no go so far! I also downloaded some of the files from the server but I wasn't sure exactly which ones to use from there...at the moment I'm stuck on version 1.60.87580 and I need 1.7 to play if I'm correct?! Pleeeaaassseee help! I got the next 2 days off work and I really wanna pew pew some zombies!!!

Cheers :)

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I tried the uploader once, didn't work for me, so I kept installing it the old fashioned way. Follow the instructions in the video in the download page, that's what I did, i'ts not too complicated.

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Download 7-zip http://www.7-zip.org/ install

Download notepad++ http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and install

Download all the .rar files or get the torrent

Once you have dayz, dayz_anim , dayz_code, dayz_v1.2.6 , dayz_equip , dayz_sfx , dayz_vehicles and dayz_weapons .rar files extract them all so you have the .pbo and .bsign from each

Go to your arma 2 OA directory ( if steam default location is c:/programfilesx86/steam/steamapps/common/arma2OA

Make a folder called @DAYZ and open it

Make a folder there called addons and open it

Paste the .pbo and .bsign files there

Use the -mod=@dayz switch AT THE END ( for steam right click arma 2 oa hit properties then set launch options)

To use the arma beta with steam version install beta go to arma 2 OA folder then expansions then beta copy the arma2oa.exe hit back 2 times so your back in arma 2 OA folder paste the arma2oa.exe and hit copy and replace

In arma 2 OA folder rename your _runa2co.cmd (windows command file) to _runa2co_bak.cmd

Right click _runa2co_beta.cmd and edit with notepad++ near the bottom on line 46 and 47 you will see something like this


call "%_ARMA2OAPATH%\Expansion\beta\ARMA2OA.exe" "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca" "-mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion" -nosplash -cpuCount=2 -exThreads=7 -mod=@dayz %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

Make sure you have the -mod=@dayz in there in the same place as I have it shown

Save the file then rename it as _runa2co.cmd

Launch steam as admin right click arma 2 OA and launch arma 2 combined operations

Don't close the CLI window


Also, all your beans are belong to us, give em up quiet and no one has to die!

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