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The beans game!

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Ok, i'm super bored and i remember playing this game on a different game forum.


The beans game is a simple game. You just have to get the beans off of the current person that has them using whatever means possible.


You can only use items/methods that exist in the DayZ mod (you can't fly down from the sky on your unicorn and impale the person with a javelin...

You can add imagination to the story (i.e: I set the player on fire with a match) as long as it's nothing completely stupid :)

EDIT: once you have been killed, you can't steal the beans for another 10 minutes (it takes time to get your gear back and hunt the player down you know!)


Joe has the beans. I sneak up to him with my axe and chop his arm off. I steal the beans and let a horde of zombies finish him off.

now you know the game, let's start!!!


Edited by arched123
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  On 9/10/2012 at 10:25 PM, arched123 said:

Ok, i'm super bored and i remember playing this game on a different game forum.


The beans game is a simple game. You just have to get the beans off of the current person that has them using whatever means possible.


You can only use items/methods that exist in the DayZ mod (you can't fly down from the sky on your unicorn and impale the person with a javelin...

You can add imagination to the story (i.e: I set the player on fire with a match) as long as it's nothing completely stupid :)


Joe has the beans. I sneak up to him with my axe and chop his arm off. I steal the beans and let a horde of zombies finish him off.

now you know the game, let's start!!!


You may have the beans but then i sneak up and shoot you in the head with a makrov and rob your body of the beans(sorry if i didnt play right and i KNOW i spelled makrov wrong xD) Edited by Fuzzietuxedobear

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I run you over with a bus breaking your legs. I steal your beans and eat them just out of your reach. You try to crawl after me but I am too fast. I then leave you the empty can.

The next person can wait 2 hours and then they can have them. (or what's left of them).

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  On 9/10/2012 at 10:30 PM, Larkins said:

I run you over with a bus breaking your legs. I steal your beans and eat them just out of your reach. You try to crawl after me but I am too fast. I then leave you the empty can.

The next person can wait 2 hours and then they can have them. (or what's left of them).

i quickly crawl after with no success i am quickly bleeding out i then pass out reaching for the can the last scene i saw was a guy running straight at me armed to the teeth Edited by Fuzzietuxedobear

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I run towards a bleeding figure on the ground and hear his last words. He points at the dust trail and skid marks left behind from some sort of vehicle and then the empty bean can. I begin to perform a blood transfusion, but it is too late. Filled with rage I grab my motorcycle and follow the dust trail.

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I rest up on a roof in a nearby city, and scope the area with my DMR....until I hear a vehicle approaching! I quickly turn my attention to the sound and see a bus speeding along. I fire a shot at the tires...miss, then I take a deep breath, take aim again and fire off another round...it makes contact with the tire and soon sparks start flying from the wheels axle. I quickly get up and relocate.


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I arrive at the forest just as i am about to enter to look for the beans a bus with a popped tire come swerving toward me i quickly take cover in the forest

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I hear a big bang and go to investigate, I come across a bus in flames that has hit a tree in the forest. The driver is crawling away with a can of beans in his hand, I walk over place my foot on his wrist pull the beans from his hand then.............

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I have heard a distant noise and seen a pyre of flames rise above the forest edge, running down now awakened from my peaceful sleep i see a guy standing over a dead body prying beans from his hand. A bus smashed in a tree near him with scattered objects laying around. You dirty fuck i think then creeping up i brutally axe him from behind , he turns as his arm slides to the ground, i dont know if he is more freaked out by my sheer handsomness or that his arm is missing and i have the beans. I stick my finger into his shoulder socket then paint a smiley face onto one of my bandages, drop it on the ground just out of his reach and say..'fix yourself up..your a fucking mess.' I bolt back up towards my tent to finish my snooze..

Edited by Hetstaine

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At last I have caught up to where the dust trail stopped. Bullet marks pock the ground and noticeable skids lead into a forest where a pillar of black smoke rises. Dismounting the motorcycle I notice a bloodied man running from the site with an axe in one hand and the beans in the other. I lift up my rifle and take aim for the man's head but miss and hit his leg. He crumples to the ground and I charge forward to take the tin can of salvation from his cold dead hands if need be...

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Fuck ! Hit ! I lay prone and control my breathing and play dead..i see my axe is out of reach and a shadow coming up behind me. I close my eyes and wait for what must come..the beans are rolling slowly down the gentle rise away from me..

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I set up on a different roof of another building and lay down and scope out the crash site of the bus. Only to find the dead body of what seems to be the driver, but no beans in sight...So I continue to scope the area out...

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i hacked and killed all the players in a server. now give me the damn beans. *God mode activated*. No one can kill me now. THE END.

(just to clarity that i dont hack.)

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As the cries of indignation echo throughout the tubes of the net after the hacker attack, I, the admin, am summoned to the server. A quick look through the logs reveals Bonehead3535's unscrupulous activity.

I crack my knuckles and use an actual hammer to smash the ban key on my keyboard, destroying it in the process. I connect my reserve and perform a server rollback to icythrower's post BUT... I pick up the coveted beans rolling down the slope and place them atop the tower of Green Mountain before I log out.

Edited by Boof

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I have no fucking idea what happened, but the shadow disappears, i am four thousand feet in the air and falling, i pass a unicorn with an impaled bandit holding a crate and two choppers and then all of a sudden i am instantly back on the ground again and fine. I put it down to a bad batch of morphine and run back to my tent...fuck the beans. I swig my can of mountain Dew and pass out , images of Green Mountain flashing before my eyes.

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When i regain consciosness,i see before me my decapitated arm and a bandage with what looks like a smiley face on it. After patching myself up i see an empty can of mountain dew and tracks leading west, picking up my arm and thinking to myself "if i only had a needle an thread". Following the tracks i come across the same person that had left me for dead his unconscious next to a tent, I'm in pain so much pain i scavenge his tent for morphine, after taking about 4 boxes and anything else i could carry he starts to mumble something about "Green Mountain". Before i leave picking up my decapitated arm, i stand over my attacker and beat him to an inch of this life....... Smearing a big smiley face on his tent. So now high on morphine i start to head west to Green Mountain in search of the beans......................................................

Edited by Maca

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  On 9/11/2012 at 9:54 AM, Maca said:

When i regain consciosness,i see before me my decapitated arm and a bandage with what looks like a smiley face on it. After patching myself up i see an empty can of mountain dew and tracks leading west, picking up my arm and thinking to myself "if i only had a needle an thread". Following the tracks i come across the same person that had left me for dead his unconscious next to a tent, I'm in pain so much pain i scavenge his tent for morphine, after taking about 4 boxes and anything else i could carry he starts to mumble something about "Green Mountain". Before i leave picking up my decapitated arm, i stand over my attacker and beat him to an inch of this life....... Smearing a big smiley face on his tent. So now high on morphine i start to head west to Green Mountain in search of the beans......................................................

Upon reaching Green Mountain, you meet the most amazing player in the world named Inception. He is so amazing that you jump off Green Mountain and kill yourself.

The end.

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