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Fredrik (DayZ)

Weapon legit or fake?

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Hey, I found an M40A3 sniper (got camo on it) on this dead guy in cherno. Is this a legit weapon in DayZ or not? Haven't seen it before, so I'm not sure. If someone got a page with all the legit and fake weapons in this game, appreciate a link for later findings :)

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hooray, now i can start to rant bout hacked weapons again :D

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There is no such thing as an m4a3 sniper unless you're playing COD.

http://dayzdb.com/database/m4a3-cco <- is what you probably have, which also means you are stupid.

You're the only one that's "stupid" around here. I think you should return to English 101.



Edited by JackOfBlades72

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There is no such thing as an m4a3 sniper unless you're playing COD.

http://dayzdb.com/database/m4a3-cco <- is what you probably have, which also means you are stupid.

LEARLY no such thing in arma. Grats on trying to call someone out on being 'stupid', when you yourself are in the wrong. Ignorance truly is a bliss.

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The M40A3 is a sniper rifle and it is in arma its just not in DayZ. It's hacked in but you can still use it. You're allowed to find and use hacked in weapons but arent allowed to spawn them.

Edited by JarethJams

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Thx for the support against this "stupidbusiness" xD hahah

And yeah, I know. But I personally just don't like to use hacked even if I find them :P Had a DMR also anyways, so wasn't so hard to say goodbye :)

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