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GUI is gone?

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I cannot see my blood, humanity ECT. Is this a part of a new patch or is this a bug, i have just got back on from a one month break, so any help would be appreciated.

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Be warned! With that on, your hunger, thirst, blood, noise, and sight will not display correctly.

Be warned. have fun!

That's incorrect.

The whole weekend played without that obnoxious brown box and everything worked perfectly.

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That's incorrect.

The whole weekend played without that obnoxious brown box and everything worked perfectly.

Think hes saying with that obnoxious brown box on you may have those problems.

Reading comprehension 101.

Edited by Never

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That's incorrect.

The whole weekend played without that obnoxious brown box and everything worked perfectly.

Uhh...re-read what Strum wrote.

I'll paraphrase: With the debug monitor turned on, your status indicators (thirst, blood, hunger) will not update. You just confirmed he was correct.

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