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Activities for Dayz

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I was trying to think of some activities to do in Dayz. Just surviving gets boring when u are tooled up and i would like some suggestions.

They would either be nasty or nice though I suppose so they would be in two categories or maybe even neutral.

Here are some quick ones I was thinking about starting from the basics....

Shooting bandits

Shooting players

Bandit spawn hunting?

Fixing up vehicles

Fixing up helicopters and then machine gunning the shit out of things.

Scaring people over direct chat

Satchel bombing buildings when people enter.

Roadside Satchel Bombs for passing vehicles!

Satchels beside bait like vehicles and tents.

Kidnapping players and making them have axe fights

Robbing players at gunpoint

Protecting new players

Giving new players supplies.

Bird watching?

Axe murdering sprees

Hog vaulting

Handgun rabbit shooting

Throwing tin cans at zombies

Starting a bus service

Car racing, maybe drag racing down the airfield runway.

Bike and motorbike racing

Midnight rave parties in the bush with road flares and techno music over direct chat

If anyone has some interesting suggestions id like to hear more.

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sweet i will organize the rave! Can we trigger the dance moves ourselves? or can only hackers do that?

Oh yeh about the over abundance of as50's and such. I have found so many tents filled with so much ridiculous shit lately Satchels, nv gogs gps , pretty much most of the guns in the game. (eg. a campsite with 20 or so tents) Its actually stupid and i preferred it when i was excited to find a box of matches and an ak.

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The only time I see videos of people dancing are in threads where people are reporting hackers.

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