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Are LAN servers bannable ?

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As the topic says.

Anyway I'm new in dayz and bought arma 2 combined operations a few days ago for this awesome mod dayz. But I wanted too play without other players so I can learn how too survive the basic zombie enemies ( which I find more then enough fun too play dayz ) without getting shot by other players and I'm just generally not a big fan of PvP. So I tried too search anything about how too setup your own server and searched meanwhile if that was illegal or not, and since I couldn't find anywhere that it was illegal I proceed making an LAN server so I could play alone and later on with my sister.

But now unfortunately for me I got this message something about being globalled banned. So my question is am I stupid for missing something that making an LAN server is bannable after all ?

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Hello there

Setting up you own LAN dayz isn't a global Ban offence AFAIK. it may be frowned upon by the dev's but isn't too terrible.

If you have been GB'ed your only available path is to send ONE email to Battle Eye after carefully reading and adhering to their FAQ.

What is the error code you receive when trying to log in? It may help us tell you where you went wrong.



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But I wanted too play without other players so I can learn how too survive the basic zombie enemies

At first I was like "Let's help him".

But now unfortunately for me I got this message something about being globalled banned

But then I was like "... fuck it."

Edited by SqTH

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you dont need lan. just join servers with less than 5 ppl and play there. on those servers almost nobody play for PvP.

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Thanks for the quick reply orlok.

The error code I get is battleye global ban #04dc and I also send them an e-mail with the error code which I hope is enough since according too their faq I can't ask or explain much as far I can see :/



I'm not sure what your on since I don't use cheats or whatever since I'm firmly against it. But if I am too stupid for not finding something about making a LAN server is an bannable offence or whatever reason then I don't beg to be unbanned since it was my own stupidity.


I tried that with a friend and when we where trying too find each other in this British server I think from the dayzcommander launcher he saw constant explosions in the supermarket in a city called elektro? So seemed very unsave and thought too stick on an LAN server until I got the basic survival route myself and how too handle the zombies.

Edited by JeroenXP

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hello there

Sure that's the error number? I can find no trace of that code.

Regardless, you've done the correct thing now it's a waiting game.

BE will reverse the ban if it's not legit, but if, for example, "someone" else has used your machine and attempted to "hack" then your ban will not be overturned.



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Hello orlok

And yes that's the number, I even made an SS of it


And about someone else using my machine then no I am the only one using my PC, if you mean I'm hacked then I have even worse issues too resolve I guess.

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Well, at a point you certainly did something to get banned. You could be careless and went on a phishing website, launching a malicious EXE, or it's just bad luck.

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Well I just got the files too setup the server from someone's youtube channel ( and not someone who just posted 1-3 video's ) and reading the reply's it seemed legal and didn't had any malicious software or so whatever. But like I said if I did something dumb then just bad luck for me, as of now like orlok said I wait for an reply from battleye them self and see what the actual reason is.

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I just got the files too setup the server from someone's youtube channel

Man... you got your key stole at this point. Nothing much we can do.

Would you please send me the youtube link in MP ?

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Well I just got the files too setup the server from someone's youtube channel ( and not someone who just posted 1-3 video's ) and reading the reply's it seemed legal and didn't had any malicious software or so whatever. But like I said if I did something dumb then just bad luck for me, as of now like orlok said I wait for an reply from battleye them self and see what the actual reason is.

ouch never dl from youtube

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My sister and a friend of mine just came back from work and they had no issues even though they used the same private server package I used, but I warned them on the situation. So this either means I'm extremely unlucky and my sister and my friend got really lucky so far for not having their cd keys stolen. Or this might be something else like maybe when me and another friend joined this server which apparently got cheaters "hackers?" in it and we left when we noticed what was going on. Still no mail from battleye but I find this really odd and it feels like it had nothing too do with the private LAN server stuff.

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